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Makenzie Parks

December 13, 2023


I spoke to Shamir as he took Makeio out my arms. I watched him peck his forehead before closing the door and locking it behind him. I walked into the living room cleaning up the mess Makel had made. This little boy thinks it's okay to leave his toys every where.

"Where twin?" Sha asked sitting down in the recliner with the baby.

"He's in the room asleep, he literally just laid down. Keio was fussy so I changed him and fed him. He's clean." I let him know causing him to nod. "So, I called you over here to talk because I didn't want it getting to you before I could tell you."

"Tell me what?" He stared at me so uninterested.

"That the other night when I came home, Boo was here waiting on me. We um, had sex but only because I was afraid. I didn't willingly sleep with him, I just felt like if I didn't he'd kill me."

"I already know."

My face fell.

"How could you possibly know?" I asked cocking my head to the side.

"Foo sent Mari a message. I don't know who told him, maybe Boola, but either way I found out. I just wanted to hear your explanation for the situation. I was tryna prepare myself mentally for this conversation." He rocked the baby back and forth in his arms.

"Mentally how?"

"Just my reaction, I ain't wanna overreact. But I figured, hey, it is what it is."

"Okay...but are you coming to my graduation?"

"Yes Makenzie." Sha looked up at me, "You keep asking and I keep telling you the same thing. Yes bruh I'll be there."

"Just asking cause I want you there. I actually have a few gowns that I brought the other day to try on. So now that you're here I finally can. Cause I can never get a break with the kids." I stood up and Sha cleared his throat.

"Nah, I can't stay. I got somewhere to be in a few and it's already a 26 minute drive." He sat up and I froze.

"Shamir I only need to try on my gowns, I haven't had the time. You just have to keep the baby for a second."

"No Makenzie, I gotta go." He shook his head.

"Okay." I took the baby from his arms, "Bye go. You always have other shit to do when it concerns me and my children. Let it be about Camari or Marquez you'll take your motherfucking time. I'm sick of it, go ahead bye."

"Makenzie I can come back if you need me to—"

"No, I don't need you later I need you now! Makel is gonna be up later and you know I won't be able to try on gowns and try to deal with him. He's a toddler, he loves to run around and get into shit! I'm doing this by myself and all I asked for was a little bit of your time. That's all." I teared up before wiping my eyes.

"I can't right now, that's all. If you need me to come back I will. Makenzie bruh come on, I just got some important shit to handle and I will come right back. If you need some help right now I can call Q or Mari—"

"No! I want you to fucking be here with me and your children for a whole day! It's like if I'm not fucking you then you have no desire to be around me. And that's fucked up because I don't have to be fucking you to want you in my presence. We have kids so of course we're gonna be around."

Sha nodded, "Yeah aight you trippin. I'ma be back later. I got some shit to handle and that's all. Look, I don't wanna argue witchu'. I just gotta drive out to this place and get fitted for my suit for the funeral. I waited last minute to do shit now I'm in a rush. I'm not just tryna rush outta here I promise, I'll come back."

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