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Makenzie Parks

March 24, 2023Home~~~

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March 24, 2023

"Hold on I'm coming!"

I yelled irritably rushing to the front door in nothing but my pajamas. It was currently 8am in the morning and both of my kids under the age of one were asleep. So to be beating at my door when both of my babies are asleep really got me tight. I switched the lock snatching the front door open angrily before realizing who it was.


"Hi Kenzie." Imani sniffled, "Can we talk? Please I just need to talk."

"Yeah of course come in." I stepped aside letting her in the house. "Is everything okay? You seem very upset."

"No I'm not okay." She propped down on the sofa as I closed and locked the front door. "I've been very quiet about my situation with your brother and I honestly can't help it anymore. I'm really miserable Makenzie."

I sat down beside her using my hand to rub her back comforting her. She used her shirt to wipe the tears that cascaded down her cheeks before speaking.

"Before we split, we got into a very heated argument which led him to move out. I was fine because I knew he would leave and come over here for a while until he calmed down. But then as the days went by I realized he wasn't reaching out or trying to reconnect like he'd usually do. So I figured that if he was done I'd force myself to be done as well." She turned to face me and I nodded.

"But you aren't done?"

"No! I love him so much Makenzie. I never thought I'd see the day when he'd just up and leave me. If that isn't bad enough, he moved outta the freaking state without telling me and then I check his social media to see him post some bitch on his story. I think that's what broke me." She leaned her head down sobbing.

I hugged her tightly, "It's okay Mani, he's a man and men are stupid. If it helps you feel any better, he hasn't reached back out to me since he left either. I didn't even know he had moved...I came home to a fucking post it note with barely any details. Trust me when I say I know it hurts."

She lifted her head up, "Why'd he just up and leave? I mean damn he could've at least said he was leaving but no. I'm upset...I just wish he'd return my calls."

"It might be the new girl that's why he isn't answering you...do you have a picture of her?" I questioned and she instantly pulled her phone out.

"I screenshotted this when I saw it. This is her." She said handing me the phone.

" She said handing me the phone

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