
503 28 15

Shamir Miles

December 7, 2023

"Damn Sha, you straight?"

I finished coughing before looking back at Camari. I stuck my middle finger up and she just bursted out laughing. I washed my hands at the kitchen sink before pulling out a mug to make some tea. Nose stopped up, fever, sore throat, and headaches. This damn shit doing a nigga bad.

"You back talking to yo nigga?" I asked Camari before boiling a pot of water.

"No...we haven't spoken." She shrugged before looking down at her phone. "It's cool though, we don't ever have to speak again."


My phone started ringing and I looked down at the caller ID. Kenzie name flashed across the screen so I clicked accept and put her on speaker phone.


"I'm bout to come bite you."

I laughed, "Bite me for what? The fuck did I do?"

"You don't hear it in my voice? I'm sick! My daddy won't even let me get the kids cause he don't want them sick. So I'm just home alone." Kenzie stated causing me to kiss my teeth.

"I told you I was sick and what you said?" I asked hearing her burst out laughing.

"Whatever, come over here with me. I'm bored and I don't have no friends."

"Aight give me bout ten minutes."

"Okay, bye." Kenzie hung up the phone and I placed my teabag in my mug. I checked on the boiling water but it wasn't quite there yet. I looked up seeing Mari just staring at me with a smirk.

"When that happened?"

"Mind yours." I stuck up my middle finger again causing her to get off the couch. She came running towards me and I took off towards my bedroom. I tried to push the door close but she hopped on my back tackling me to the ground. I felt her hand grab my face and she looked at me.

"Stick it up one more time, I'll get a broom and bust yo head."

"I surrender." I laughed.

She got up off me pulling my hair before walking out the room. I coughed pulling myself off the floor. I put my shoes on and grabbed my book bag unhooking my game. I shoved it in there along with my controller and my charger. I grabbed some cough medicine, my jacket and headed out the door.

"You cooking?" I asked coming in the house taking my shoes off.

"For me yes."

"For us yes." I corrected sitting my book bag down. I closed the front door locking it before following her into the kitchen. I pulled the top off the pot and saw some mashed potatoes. I lifted the other pot and saw broccoli. Then I opened the oven and saw some baked chicken.

"You did not make all this for just you. I can kill all eight of them chicken thighs and both them pots." I stated causing her to laugh.

"Trust me I know." She smiled, "So, you know my graduation coming up right?"

"The 12th or 14th?"

"14th, but anyways are you gonna come?" She asked stirring the pot of mashed potatoes.

"I told you yeah when you first asked me." I nodded and she nodded as well. "So you just stay here by yourself now or this still Mac shit?"

"Technically it's Mac house but since he living with Imani he said I could keep his place. He's still paying the bills here because of course I don't have a job right now. But after graduation I'm gonna start substituting at the local elementary schools until I find me a steady teaching job." She stated and I nodded.

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