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Makenzie Parks

October 21, 2023
Jeyln House.

"Fuck you too!" I screamed banging and pulling on the bedroom doorknob. "Jeyln open this fucking door! Open it!"

He still never opened it, so I took matters into my own hands. I grabbed everything I could to force open the door. Once I bursted the door open I ran and instantly attacked him.

"Bruh get back!" Jeyln yelled as I swung hitting him in his face. "Hit me again!"

I ripped his shirt dragging him off the bed. I grabbed ahold of his phone causing him to tussle with me over it. I jumped on his back knocking us into the wall hard. He let go of his phone before getting up and backing away from me. I watched him walk out the room before I unlocked the phone going through it.

I searched through everything, but I didn't find anything. I felt so stupid right now. I tossed the phone on the bed getting up from the floor. I looked around at the mess I had made before sighing. I left the room searching the house for Jeyln, I just knew he was done with me. I don't know why I attacked him, I just love him and the thought of him cheating just made me go crazy.

"Babe." I spoke softly looking at him sit at the dining table. He got up from the table pushing past me, but I stopped and grabbed him. "Baby I'm sorry."

"I'm done."

"Jeyln no you're not." I followed after him into the bedroom. He opened the closet pulling all the clothes I had moved in. "Stop! Don't do that I'm sorry!"

"Get out Makenzie, you not bout to keep fucking hitting me! I don't touch you or go through nun or yo shit! You fucking psychotic!" He screamed in my face as I cried heavily.

"I'm sorry...I love you." I placed my hand on his cheek. He sat down on the bed catching his breath and I wrapped my arms around him. Feeling his arms hug my body made me so happy. I'm in love with this man and I don't give a fuck about who doesn't like it.

"You gotta stop that shit."

"I know and I'm sorry." I pecked his lips squeezing him tightly. I gotta stop with this crazy shit. He's not Kash, I'm just so used to all the sneaky cheating and lies. It's a breath of fresh air to have Jey, my soulmate my partner.

"Hi Mommy baby." I smiled taking Makel from Catresa. "Hey did he have a good day? Did he eat his lunch?"

"Mhm, he ate." She looked at me nastily before handing over his diaper bag.

I took the bag from her looking at her weirdly. Why the nasty ass attitude? We was just good this morning that's the whole reason my baby over here. I didn't have time for it, because Makel could've stayed home and I wouldn't have to deal with this childish shit.

"Is there a problem?" I asked propping Makel up on my hip.

"Yeah you," She stepped back, "You know the streets been talking right? And word got around that you ain't even pregnant with Sha baby."

"What? Who is saying that?" I asked bawling up my face.


"Then who else am I pregnant by? Shamir knows that both of these kids belong to him. Why would I pin a baby on Shamir out of all people? Like he so serious." I rolled my eyes. "And we never had an issue so why you believing shit people saying on the streets?"

"I can believe whatever the hell I want, you did just come out of nowhere. I didn't know you until last year." She snapped.

"Come out of nowhere? Girl I been fucking your son for years. Whether you knew it or not. So don't be acting like I'm a random hoe he found on the street because—"

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