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Makenzie Parks

June 21, 2023
Mac Apartment.

"I'm glad y'all made up. Now y'all can come to Kingston party and it not be awkward. It's gonna be at Chucky Cheese today at four." Tyra spoke in the phone causing me to raise my brows.

"Girl you said that you wasn't doing anything for him."

"I lied, cause you bitches weren't gonna come to my baby party and ruin it with bad energy. That shit wasn't gonna happen."

I laughed, "Whatever girl, Makel and I will be there. I'll get him dressed."

"Okay, well ManMan headed down there to start setting up. I invited Boola and Foo. I don't know if Craig coming or not he ain't never text me back. But Mumu supposed to be bringing Kash children is that fine with you? Like I said I don't want no drama today." Tyra asked.

"I love his kids, and all his babymoms aren't bad. It's just that Miya bitch. But ima be okay since MuMu bringing them." I rubbed my stomach. "Is Dee or any of them coming?"

"I extended the invitation today, so I really don't know. Shamir texted me back and your brother did. I ain't heard from Quez and Deonté yet."

"So Sha coming?" I asked raising my brows.

"Yes ma'am."

"Probably for the food, that's all his fatass wanna do is eat. I ain't never seen that nigga turn down food or even much say anything was nasty. Everything scrumptious to his ass." I laughed.

"True." She laughed, "Well girl, ima go get my babies ready and I'll see you later on."

"Alright Ty, bye." I hung up the phone.

Few hours later.


"Hey guys! Thanks for coming!" Tyra spoke as I handed her Mac and I gift.

"Hey girl, Machai not feeling well so I left him at the house. But Makel said he ready to play chile'." I laughed holding his tiny hand. He was pulling away from me already trying to go play with the other kids.

"Let my baby go play." Tyra laughed causing me to let Makel hand go.

I watched him run away to the ball pit before looking back at Tyra.

"Girl you ain't rent the place out?" I asked looking at how packed it was.

"No, cause they had another party coming and we had to share. You know I was pissed but ManMan said we can take them somewhere else tomorrow."

"Oh okay." I clutched my purse in my hand.

"There go Sha nem'."

I looked back seeing Sha and Camari holding a gift. Before I could turn around, Jeyln walked through the door too. I don't know how well Sha and them get along, all I know is they don't fuck with each other.

"Hey Ty." Sha spoke walking right past me, "Tell King I said happy birthday."

"Me too." Camari said handing her gift over, "I'm gonna go play guitar hero."

"Me too." Sha said walking past me yet again without speaking. He ain't even ask where Makel was or nothing. Hm, and he wonder why I don't fucking like his ass.

"Don't let that bother you, I saw the look on your face." Tyra nudged me, "Let me go sit this stuff down then we can talk."

"Cool." I mumbled.

"Hey baby."

I felt arms hug me from behind and I turned around hugging Jeyln. He pecked my lips and I couldn't help but smile. I pulled away scanning the room to see if anybody had saw but everyone was doing their own things. I wasn't scared to be seen with him around them though, just Machai because I know they'd def start fighting in this hoe.

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