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Shamir Miles

June 5, 2023


"Aight." I closed the front door hearing Quez burst out laughing. I looked at him sly way before walking over to the couch. "What's funny?"

"You and Diamond. When that happened again?" Quez asked eating his cereal before smirking.

I kissed my teeth, "Man you know it ain't shit but fucking. Diamond ass be on other shit, I just blocked her last night after she got here. I knew what I wanted."

"She still fine though."

"Been that, but she ain't Lex fine." I shrugged.

"Nobody look better than Alexis to you. Yeah she bad too but so is Kenzie and Diamond. If you had to choose between the three of them who'd you pick?" He asked leaning back in his chair.

"More than likely Alexis, Makenzie shouldn't even be an option."

"Why not, you know she fine and you can prolly still hit that if you wanted to." Quez shrugged.

"Man I can't een' lie, I don't think I'll ever fuck Kenzie again."

"It's okay cause I will." Quez smirked.

"Go right ahead, I don't care who she fucks. I just know I ain't fucking her no more." I sat down on the couch, "Speaking of Makenzie, Mac texted me the other day out the blue."

"Null, what he say?"

"Sum like he ain't got no beef wimme cause he know I'm Kel dad and shit. I ain't reply, but I almost never reply so he know. I haven't opened our messages in months."

"That's good though, y'all couldn't beef forever."

"It was a one sided beef." I chuckled and Quez laughed pushing me. "Spark."


Makenzie Parks

2 hours later


"Hold on baby." I picked Makel up pushing the shopping cart. He wasn't feeling well today, but I refused to leave him home. I didn't know if he'd be upset or what and my Dad was gon blow my phone up about leaving him.


"What hurt baby?" I asked looking at his face.

He just rubbed his eyes and I placed my hand on his forehead. He had a fever, but he seemed okay this morning. I laid him across my chest and patted his back slowly.

"We going home."

I left my cart in the middle of the store before walking towards the exit. I hesitated, but I pulled my phone out and dialed Sha number placing it on speaker.

No response.

"Fuck it."

"It's okay mama baby." I rubbed Makel back as he laid across my lap crying. He had a fever bad, but this was normal for him. We've took him to the hospital for it several times but they seem to think nothings wrong.

"Ma ma." Makel cried rubbing his eyes as I fanned him. I started to cry just seeing him cry. He was in pain and I had given him some medicine, but he's to sleep but he can't.

"It's okay." I began to sob with him, I hate seeing my son crying. It makes me sad because I know that there's nothing I could do to stop it.

My room door opened and in came my Dad.

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