
178 18 6

Makenzie Parks


"Wake up."

My eyes shot open from my sleep instantly terrified from the voice I heard. I felt a rough hand caress my back causing my body to freeze. My hair was yanked from my pillow and I was face to face with the devil himself. His hands were covered in dust and he held a scowl on his face. I swallowed hard staring at the gun pointed directly at me.

"Get up, pack some bags and let's go." Jeyln demanded causing me to get out of bed.

I could hear police sirens whaling outside and I glanced up at Jeyln face. He looked extremely nervous, like the cops were after him. I ignored the sirens quickly opening my drawers and grabbing my things like he had instructed.

"Makenzie hurry!"

I jumped out of fear hearing the sirens whaling even louder. I stood up from the floor watching as the blue and white lights flashed in my windows. I heard Jeyln curse under his breath before he sat the gun down on the dresser. He walked up to me and grabbed my hands staring in my eyes. I nervously kept contact confused on what he was about to do.

"I love you, and I did some shit. I've been doing all this just to get your attention back on me. You mine. I been wanting you for the longest and when I found out that you were with Kash I was pissed. I don't mind getting rid of any competition and that's what I did." Jeyln spook before looking back at the sirens flashing lights.

"What are you saying?" I felt my eyes tear up.

"I killed Kash and I'm gonna kill Sha. I want you to understand that no matter what, I will always love you."

I stared in the eyes of this crazy person. This wasn't love...if he really loved me like he said he did he wouldn't hurt the people I love. My situation with Boola wasn't as serious to me like it is to him. He was definitely a rebound from losing Kash and enduring so much pain. I was vulnerable and open to any love that came my way no matter who it was.

"Say something."

"...you killed Kash?"

"Look that's beside the point...I gotta go, and my plan was to take you with me. But if I don't get out of here soon I'll end up in a very bad place." His voice became very sinister. Something is seriously wrong with this man. No amount of therapy can help his demonized mindset.

I pulls my hands back from his and he snatched me roughly. I gasped trying not to make him even more upset than he was. He pressed his lips against mines rubbing his hands all over my ass. I was lifted off the floor and carried to the bed. I didn't wanna do this, especially after him confessing to me that he was the one who'd killed my first love.

"Tell me that Sha don't fuck you like I do."

I stared at him letting the tears escape my eyes before speaking.

"Sha doesn't fuck me like you do...he fucks me even better."


I head butted him hard as I could causing him to wince in pain. I leaped off my bed grabbing his gun in the process. I hear him growling like an animal behind me causing me to run off out the front door. I screamed waving my hands seeing police cars in the distance. I looked closely seeing Shamir brother and screamed as loud as I could.

We made eye contact and he began running towards me. He met me halfway and I rushed into his arms crying my eyes out.

"H-he killed Kash and he's trying to rape me and make me run away with h-him," I explained as fast as I could.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22 ⏰

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