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Camari Collins

May 1, 2024Home~~~

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May 1, 2024

"It's okay, mama is here just let it out."

I hovered over the toilet throwing up my insides as my mama held my hair. It's been nonstop for last past two weeks and trust me when I say I'm fucking over it.

"I got you some juice okay? Come on stand up." My mother flushed the toilet using a warm towel to wipe my mouth. I stood up from the ground and made my way back to my bedroom. I curled up in the bed and exhaled deeply closing my eyes. "Here's your juice Mari, I'll be downstairs working. Call me if you need me okay?"

"Thanks ma."

"No problem."

I watched her exit my room and I rubbed my feet together getting as comfortable as I could. To be honest I was worried about Shamir, last night he didn't return my phone calls or answer any of my text messages. I didn't wanna seem pushy, but I couldn't help but wonder what he could possibly be doing. We usually fall asleep on the phone since I'm not back at the apartment and it was hard for me to sleep last night without us talking.

"Broski you up?" Quez walked in the room holding a pair of fuzzy socks.

I nodded, "Yeah, but I need a nap I'm so tired."

"Lemme put ya socks on first." Quez walked up to the bed moving the covers back, "And I wanna show you something without you getting stressed out. I don't want nothing happening to the baby."

I laughed, "Q I'm only six weeks."

"I don't know how that shit works." He slipped on my socks before covering me back up. "Scoot over I'm cold too shit."

I slid to the side and he pulled the blanket up over himself as well. We both sat propped up in the bed and he went straight to Facebook. I watched him click a video before turning his head and handing me the phone.

"Why you turning your face? You making me scared too." I chuckled before turning my attention back to the phone. I waited patiently for something to happen before my eyes went wide. I placed my hand over my mouth feeling tears weld up in my eyes.

"Don't trip—"

"Who posted this? Why would they do this?" I felt tears streaming down my face and Q grabbed my wrists as I shook uncontrollably.

"Calm down, I don't know. Some people saying it's Boola others saying it was somebody else. Don't freak out we tryna get it took down."

"Who is we?"


"Mama saw it too?" I sobbed, "I'm so fucking embarrassed. This why Sha isn't talking to me?"

"Possibly but I don't know."

"Marquez there you are—Why is she crying? Didn't I ask you not to show her that? You can't stress her out boy she's pregnant!" My mother entered the room furious.

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