
383 19 20

Makenzie Parks

April 6th, 2024

"Hi!" I squealed jumping in Demarco arms to peck his lips. He smiled spinning me around before setting me into my feet. I fixed my dress and hair before looking around him. "Where's Daija?"

"About that, her mama found out she had covid last night. I didn't want her to get anybody sick so we decided to keep her home. But I figured I'd still come since you didn't feel comfortable around your ex new girlfriend." He shrugged.

"He's not my ex."

"Well babydaddy." He corrected, "So you need help loading this stuff in the car?"

"Please and thank you." I poked his cheek opening the front door wider. He reached down picking up my suitcase and the double stroller before heading out the door. While he was doing that, I scurried back into my bedroom to check on my kids who were both fully dressed watching Elmo. "Ready to go papa?"

"Yes!" Makel clapped and I grabbed his hand helping him off the bed. I grabbed Makeio snapping him in his car seat before letting Kel lead us out the room. I was nervous about letting Demarco around my kids, but he seemed genuine. Plus, if there's any sign that he would hurt them or me I'd definitely leave faster than I did last time.

We walked outside the apartment complex to the parking lot just as he was walking back up. He stopped in his tracks just as Makel waved at him.

"Wassup man." Demarco leaned down picking him up. "I remember you, this Makel right?"

"Mhm." I blushed, "And this little fella is Makeio."

"Makeio, that's different. I fuck wit that." He held Makel up slightly leaning down to touch the baby hand. "He got a lil mug on his face, what's wrong man? You ain't excited for Florida."

"Say I just mean." I laughed looking at the mug on Makeio face. Definitely looking like Shamir right now with them eyebrows furrowed in.

"The complete opposite of each other."

"Exactly." I agreed.

Just then, Shamir pulled up whipping his car right next to mine. Demarco looked at me before we both looked at Shamir who had gotten out the car. By the look on his face he was confused, probably wondering why a stranger was holding his son.

"Wassam." Sha spoke to me completely ignoring Demarco. "What's going on here?"

"We're just loading the car. Sha this is Demarco, he's my..." I cut myself off looking over at him.

"Boyfriend." Demarco smiled extending his hand, "Nice to meet you man."

"Yeah fasho." Sha nodded disregarding the handshake. "So you putting the kids in your car or what you doing?"

"It doesn't matter." I looked past him into his car. I squinted my eyes before seeing his bitch in the passenger seat staring at her phone. "I can take Keio if you wanna take Kel."

"Mhm." He said basically snatching my son out Marco hands. "Well if you need to finish loading the car then gone head, that way we call pull off at the same time."

"Ok geez." I said instantly noticing the aggression in his voice. I handed Marco the car seat with the baby before heading back in the house. I triple checked everything and grabbed the two bags left before locking and closing the door. I made my way to Marco car throwing the bags in the trunk before getting into the passenger.

Once we were all strapped and situated, Sha backed out and us right after. We trailed him the way there and I leaned back getting more comfortable in my seat.

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