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Makenzie Parks

June 5, 2023
Mac Apartment.

"Say hey mama."

I woke up in Machai bed seeing Makel on my brother lap eating some chips. He was starting to look just like Mac too, maybe our genes were too strong.

"Hi baby." I smiled as he tried feeding me a wet chip.

"Ew nasty." Mac laughed before pecking Kel cheek.

"Hey Mac." I smiled, "What y'all doing up so early?"

He yawned, "I don't know, but yo phone been ringing nonstop."

I rolled over in bed grabbing my phone off the charger. I unlocked it seeing multiple missed calls from Shamir. I scoffed rolling my eyes before calling his bum ass back.

"Why yeen answering the phone?" Sha asked sounding pissed.

"Shut up, the fuck you want?"

"My son, what else?"

"Oh now you want him? Goodbye." I hung up the phone rubbing my eyes. I put my phone on do not disturb and got up from the bed.

"Was that Sha?" Mac asked following me into the living room.

"Mhm." I nodded grabbing my keys, "I'll be back. I'm going to get me and Kel some clothes. I'm taking him to the emergency room again."


2 Hours later

"Is he okay?"

"Yea," I held the phone to my ear, "It was packed in the emergency room when we walked in, so I made another appointment with his pediatrician."

"Good, what time y'all coming home? I won't be there tonight though." Mac asked.

"In a few...my phone dying, I'll call you later." I said before hanging my phone up. I looked back at Kel and Boola going down the slide for the tenth time. My baby wouldn't stop laughing, it was the cutest thing ever. I pulled my phone out recording them on Snapchat before saving it to my memories.

"Y'all not tired?" I asked walking towards them rubbing my stomach.

"Believe it or not, this shit a lil fun." Boola laughed showing off his golds. I giggled opening my arms for Makel. He walked into my embrace and I happily picked him up pecking his tiny nose.

"Kel starting to look like Sha."

I rolled my eyes, "Yeah...I know. Well he's kinda a mixture, but you can definitely tell he belongs to Sha now cause he used to be my twin."

"He look like Mac too, well he just really look like he kin to both sides." Boola laughed, "So, what y'all finna do?"

"Go back to the house, clean up, cook dinner and probably chill for the rest of the evening. What you gonna do?" I asked as we began walking towards our cars.

"Finna hit up this party tonight. Wish you could come, but you know." He looked at my stomach.

I laughed, "I wish I could come too, but it's okay. I'd rather be home with my baby anyways."

"Feel ya," He rubbed his hands together, "Well I enjoyed kickin' it wit' you and nephew. Hope you'll let me chill wit' y'all again."

"Of course anytime." I smiled.

Boola hugged Makel before pulling me in a hug as well. I hugged him back tightly before we released and he pecked my forehead.

"See you later."

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