
594 37 29

Camari Collins

June 22, 2023
Police Station

"Thank God." I mumbled seeing Marquez walk from the back with his stuff in his hand. I got up hugging him tightly and he hugged me back even tighter. I was so happy to see him.

"Man they got Sha." Quez shook his head causing me to look at him crazily.

"What you mean?"

"They had a warrant out for his arrest. You already know what they got him for." He whispered pulling me out the door away from others. "They got him in as a suspect for ole boy. They came and got him out the holding with us last night."

"So are they gonna let him go?" I asked placing my hand on my forehead.

"I don't know right now, I honestly don't even fucking know." He shook his head as we walked off to Shamir car. They got him, so there's nothing we can do really until we talk to him. Ugh, this shit just blew me.

Shamir Miles


"Cause y'all have no evidence! None!" I yelled banging my hand on the table.

Stupid bitches won't even take my cuffs off.

The interrogator sighed, "It's ironic that you and your friends were the only ones able to make it to the hospital after the shootout happened. Witnesses say they saw your car drive away after seeing Mr. Johnson body laid on the concrete."

"The fuck that gotta do with me?" I asked leaning back in my seat.

"Exactly, but you know it has a lot to do with you. I don't know why you're sitting here acting like it wasn't you, but you're going down. I can see all the bullshit in your eyes. I'm tired of playing good cop with yo ass." The officer slammed his gun on the table pointing it at me.

I looked at it before looking at him, "If you gon use it then do it."

"Don't tempt me." He growled.

"Do. It." I broke it down.

The door opened up and in came walking Santino. We made eye contact and he whispered something to the officer before looking back at me. Santino walked out the room and officer looked back at me.

"That's your brother huh?" He asked, "I didn't even realize your last name was Miles. Hm, I wonder how they feel being related to such a fuck up."

"Nigga fuck you." I mugged him before he laughed.

"Actually you're fucked," The interrogation room door opened and in walked Sheriff Miles. "This is family business, I'll let you handle this sir."

The officer walked out the room leaving me alone with the Sheriff.

"Shamir, long time no see son." Sheriff Miles sat down in front of me and I looked at him like he was stupid.

"Why are you talking to me?" I asked causing him to snicker.

"I'm still your father."

"You ain't shit of mine." I kissed my teeth before he cleared his throat standing up. I watched him take his belt off and I side eyed him weirdly.

"I ain't never beat yo ass before, but maybe I should have. Then maybe you wouldn't be SUCH A FUCK UP WHO CONTINUES TO EMBARRASS MY FUCKING REPUTATION WITH THIS TOWN!" He screamed and I furrowed my brows.

"Why're you yelling? Why?" I asked and looked back at the door before grabbing me roughly. He threw me out the chair and I couldn't get up because of the way I landed. The cuffs were tight around my wrist and I couldn't even loosen the bitches.

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