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Makenzie Parks

December  10, 2023Sha Apartment

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December 10, 2023
Sha Apartment.

"Put some clothes on."

Marquez walked past me as I stood in the kitchen cooking breakfast. I flipped my hair over my shoulder looking at him before laughing.

"I ain't even know you was here."

"I do live here too." He stood beside me looking over my shoulder, "But can I have some breakfast too?"

"Of course." I laughed.


The locks to the front door switched and Marquez and I both looked back. Camari walked in with her all black on looking all depressed. We made eye contact for a split second before she looked away. I shifted my gaze back to the bacon I was cooking on the stove. I heard her walking and I lifted my head up watching her stop in front of Sha bedroom door.

"Mizzy?" Camari called, "Can I come in I wanna talk?"

I'm guessing he said yes because I heard the door open and close. I finished up cooking my bacon before starting on my eggs. I was anxious to get back to the bedroom right now.

"Sha told you the funeral details?"

"Not all, just that he wanna go ahead and bury her. Is he paying for it all himself? He wouldn't tell me." I asked waiting for Marquez response.

"Nah, all of us put in on it. Me, Dee, yo brother, Mari and Alexis." He spoke leaning against the wall, "It's not much because he ain't have no family. He just said he gon go ahead and bury her. Mari been upset about it."

"He won't discuss anything with me...did they ever say what happened?"

"All I know is she was shot in her head, throat, and chest. They was tryna say that she was at the wrong place at the wrong time. But I feel like this shit deeper, cause no one heard gunshots...so how was it a drive by? And kids had been outside playing and stuff but nobody seen or heard nothing. Strange."  Quez shook his head.

"That's so sad."

"Yeah, and another thing too, Alexis was the one who received the phone call. Alexis won't talk to the police because she asked her not to cooperate. But Alexis said that Catresa called and said that she felt unsafe and she needed help. That's the whole reason she left her house in the first place cause she felt like she was being watched. She called Lex so Lex could call Sha, but Sha ain't never answer his phone and a few hours later that's when she was found."

I cut the stove off, "So basically you think it planned?"

"I think Boola nem got some to do with this. Ain't nobody tryna hear me though. Then again I could be wrong, but the whole situation sketchy. Sha been handling it better than I thought."

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