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Makenzie Parks

March 19, 2024

"No, but they smell soooo good." I laid across the couch running my hands through my freshly blew out hair. I had just washed it in hope that I could find a braider by tomorrow. Wearing my wigs and quickweaves were starting to damage my edges. I wanna let my hair breathe before I become caillou.

"Kenzie what smells good about sharpies?" Demarco laughed questioning me.

I pushed the phone against my ear shrugging, "I don't know...but something smells good!"

"Yeah right," He cackled, "But I've been meaning to ask, are you busy saturday evening?"

I put myself on mute before screaming. I unmuted the mic before sounding all calm and cool.

"No, not that I know of."

"Well would you like to go out with me?" He asked and I blushed staring up at the ceiling. Wow, I haven't been asked out in a long time. Honestly what would I wear? Shit, my hair isn't done and Saturday is two days away. "...hello?"

"Oh." I snapped out of it, "Sure where are we going?"

"I can't tell you that, the first date is always a surprise."

"So it's a date?" I asked trying to him my enthusiasm.

"I was hoping so."

"Cool, I'd love to." I grinned, "Can you at least give me an idea of what to wear?"

"Be comfortable."

"Okay." I spoke before hearing knocking at the front door. "Hey I think my kids are back home, call you before I go to sleep alright?"

"Bet, talk later."

I ended the call hopping up from the couch to quickly answer the door. I snatched the front door open looking at Sha like he was crazy.

"Yikes! Who electrocuted you?" Sha asked looking at my hair.

"Haha," I rolled my eyes playfully, "If you must know I'm trying to get my hair braided. Hi mommy big boy!"

I scooped up Makel kissing his face. Sha walked in closing the door behind himself and locking it. I sat Makel down taking Makeio car seat looking at my handsome prince. He was knocked out, pacifier was halfway out while clutching his bottle. Boy acting like he just got off a twelve hour shift.

"You tired my baby out?" I asked Sha as he sat down on the couch throwing one arm behind his head.

"It's the opposite way around." Sha chuckled, "And ima knock you out. Got my son singing them girly ass songs and shit."

I bursted out laughed, "What was he singing?"

"Weeeeeeee are neva' ever ever, getting back toogethethaaaaaa!" Sha mocked Makel and I was screaming.

"Oh my gosh." I laughed hysterically.

"Yeah yo gosh. I was so fucking mad, got my son listening to them white bitches. Katy Swift and Taylor Perry and shit."

"It's actually—never mind. Are you busy Saturday evening?" I questioned and he looked up.

"Actually that's what I was bout to ask you. Cause I'm going to the car show and I have an extra ticket. Mari and Q going to have dinner with they family and she can't make it. I figured we'd take Makel and leave Makeio with ya pops."

"Aww that's sweet, but I can't. You can take Makel though." He nodded in understanding.

"Where you going?"

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