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Makenzie Parks

January 30, 2024Dad House~~~

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January 30, 2024
Dad House

"Makel stop running babes!" I yelled buckling Keio in his car seat. Sha had planned for us to go out to this fun day and Makel was so excited. I was too, I haven't had any fun in a while. Time for us to go out and spend time as a family.

The front door opened and Sha walked in smiling.

"Good morning." Sha spoke, "Damn, you looking good today. I like yo hair."

"Thanks baby daddy." I pulled him into a hug before pulling away. "You're happy today, I haven't talked to you since Friday...it's Wednesday."

He nodded, "Yeah well I been chillin. I just needed some time to myself."

"Good, is everything okay?" I questioned and he scratched the back of his neck looking crazy.

"We gotta talk."

"About?" I questioned before pulling Makeio blanket up above his face. Sha walked around to the couch and sat down sighing. I grabbed the car seat and made my way to the couch as well. I sat down beside him staring at him, "Sha what's up?"

"You was right..."



"Sha spit it out." I stated blankly trying not to become irritated.

"About the way Camari and I feel about each other. I know y'all kept pointing out how close we were and how y'all felt like we loved each other more than what we said. It's true...y'all were right." Sha said before looking at my face.

I didn't know what to say. It's like my whole body just shut down on me. I didn't know if I was mad, sad or what. All I knew was I didn't understand it. I was taken aback, because I know he didn't just open his mouth and say what I think he said.

"I'm not following." I refused to believe and he licked across his bottom lip.

"I love Mari more than a sister." He broke it down but that still didn't help.

"Why?" Was the only thing I managed to get out, "I don't understand...do I look like a joke to you? Do you think what you're doing to me is okay?"

"Trust me I feel bad—"

"No you don't," I stood up, "You sit up here and do shit like this that give bitches a reason to laugh at me! I tried to make shit work with you for the sake of our kids but you refused to! Just for you to come sit in my face and say you love my ex friend more than me! You're a bitch!"

"I just wanted you to hear it from me...I didn't mean to hurt you—"

"Well you did! You always do!" I felt tears running down my eyes. I could literally feel my heart ripping in half during this whole interaction. Wow, I've never felt more embarrassed about anything in my life.

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