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Camari Collins

March 1st, 2024Home ~~~

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March 1st, 2024

"So you not going?"

"Why would I? They made it very clear that I'm no longer one of the guys." I shrugged staring at the television, "I'm not a fucking cheerleader Shamir. I wanna get in the game."

"And you will, man put yo shit on and let's go. They already down there waiting on me. I said you in the game so you gon be in the game." Sha demanded and I got up from the bed.

I grabbed my gym bag and my water bottle before following him out the door.

20 minutes later.

"What you looking like that for?" Sha asked as we sat in the car. We had just made it to the court and I could see the guys chilling on the bleachers. I could see the three of them, including my brother talking and laughing. For some reason, my heart dropped into my ass.

"Maybe we should have came separately." I bit down on my lip, "Just because you know what they're gonna think of we walk up together."

"Camari...don't irritate me. We just here to play ball man. Stop reading too much into it. Now either you can come play the game with us, or sit here in the hot ass car. At this point, either works for me." Sha kissed his teeth before getting out the car.

I slowly got out behind him making my way over to the bleachers as well. I could feel all eyes on me as we walked up together. I made direct contact with each nigga, and all of them were looking weird to me. I didn't say anything though, I just sat down as Sha gave all of them dap.

"Damn Sha, how many first day out's you gon have?" Mac asked causing him to burst out laughing.

"Man hopefully this my last."

"Bet bet, y'all ready to get into teams? Sha and I versus Dee and Q." Mac stood up and Sha cleared his throat.

"What about Mari?"

"The cheerleader?" Deonté joked causing me to look back at him. Like seriously, I don't find this shit funny and I was never considered a cheerleader until they found out about Sha and I.

"Chill." Sha shook his head, "Mari you gon get in the game. Put ya shoes on so we can play."

"Okay." I nodded reaching in my gym bag.

"Aww shit, she even do what you say now." Dee joked causing Mac and Quez to burst out into a fit of laughter.

Sha and I made eye contact before I got up from the bleachers. I grabbed the basketball before dribbling it a bit. I lifted my head up before taking the ball and lunging it straight towards Deonté face. It hit him dead in the nose before bouncing back off the bleachers into my hands.

"Think fast." I spat before looking at Sha, "I'm ready to play now."

1 hour 30 min later.

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