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Makenzie Parks

March 29, 2024Lunch Date~~~

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March 29, 2024
Lunch Date

"You supposed to slurp it look." I laugh picking up the oyster. I squeezed lime on top of it before slurping it and setting the shell down. "See, it's good! These in particular are a lil' slimy but they have a great flavor."

"Yeah no, I'm good." Demarco shook his head picking up his knife to cut his steak. "Did I tell you that you look beautiful today? My fault if I didn't."

"Yes, you told me six times already." I blushed and he chuckled.

"I'm sorry, you just are. So how's everything going with your birthday planning? Still thinking about going to DisneyWorld next weekend?" Demarco asked causing me to shrug.

"I don't know honestly. My baby daddy wants to go and he wants to bring his girlfriend along and I just don't know how to feel about that. I don't think I'm ready for that just yet." I stated truthfully before taking a small sip of water.

"Why not?"

"Only because the situation is crazy...his now girlfriend was one of my best friends. We fell out, and not even seconds later she's with him. I forgave him, because at the end of the day we share kids and we have to see each other. As far as her, the bitch can kick rocks literally."

"Hm. Well I think you should still go. You don't have to acknowledge her. Plus I think it'd be fun."

"Then you come."

He choked a bit before looking at me, "What?"

"I said how about you come too? That way it won't be as awkward. You could bring your daughter and it can give us time to spend with each other as well. If you can't—"

"I'd love to." Demarco smiled, "You can meet my daughter Daija and I can meet your sons. Sounds good to me. You think your baby daddy will mind?" He asked picking up his fork.

"No, he isn't really the jealous type. He won't have an issue with you unless you cause one with him. I feel like he'd like you though, y'all shouldn't have a problem."

"Then it's a date. I'll go home buy my tickets and we'll see."

"Great." I smiled at him before digging back into my food.

"Hi my babies!" I cooed walking in Sha apartment setting my bag down. Makel jumped into my arms clinging to me and Shamir just stood back holding Makeio with one hand like he was a toy. "Hello Shamir, you not speaking?"

"Where yo clothes at?" He asked as I set Makel back onto his feet.

"Boy bye." I playfully rolled my eyes.

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