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Makenzie Parks

November 9, 2023

"You're so handsome, you smell so good."

I cooed looking at my newborn son. His eyes were wide open staring at me as he yawned. I held his head with one hand slicking his silky newborn perm. I couldn't stop smiling, not me being a mom again for the second time. It's like all the drama beforehand literally disappeared when this baby was out into my arms.

"Here." Boola entered the room holding Makel in his arms. "This all they had in the machine, but it don't matter cause ima go get something to eat in a few and I'll ask for another cup."

"Thank you baby." I grabbed the cup of ice. "You are so handsome bubba. Yes you are."

"Aww man look at him." Boola smiled leaning over him. "And he ain't been crying or nun, this nigga a straight g."

"Shut up." I laughed.

There was a couple knocks on the door before it opened up. Tyra walked in holding some gifts before gasping at the baby.

"Hi papa." Tyra smiled at him, "Aw you look just like your daddy. Shamir twin fasho."

Tyra was correct, when I tell you Sha stressed me out this whole pregnancy. When I first laid on eyes on the baby the first thing I did was laugh. Of course he has Shamir whole face, I guess it's true when they say don't be mad at your babydaddy when you're pregnant. Cause all I see is Shamir Jarel Miles in this little boy.

"Hey Boola."

"Wassam." Boola spoke rocking Makel back and forth in his arms.

"Where's Machai?"

"He went downstairs for a few minutes, said he had somebody with him chile. You know him and Imani back together now." I said causing her to roll her eyes.

"Girl whatever." She chuckled.

The door opened again and in walked Machai, Imani, my Dad and Melissa. I haven't seen nor spoken to them in months. It was definitely a surprise to see them here. But this was a joyous occasion, so I wasn't in the mood for arguing or none of that. I was welcoming everybody with open arms for my sake.

"Oh how cute!" Melissa spoke up as her and Imani ran to my bedside. "You haven't put him down have it?"

"No." I laughed.

My Dad looked over at the baby before nodding his head. I looked up at him before breaking the silence.

"Wanna hold him?" I asked before receiving a nod.


My Dad walked into the bathroom to wash his hands before coming back. I gently handed him the baby and he took a seat next to the bed table. I leaned back in the bed getting comfortable, a bitch was tired. But I can honestly admit that labor and delivery was much easier this time. Less painful and much quicker.

"Did you decide on a name yet?" Imani asked sitting on the bed with me.

"Yes girl, I named him Makeio."


I laughed, "Makeio. It's pronounced muh-key-o. It's different and it's cute to me. It was either that or Makenna. Machai said that was too girly so I went with my second choice."

"I think it's cute, his nickname can be Kei or Keio. Keio and Kel." Tyra smiled.

"Like Kenan and Kel." Mac laughed causing me to playfully roll my eyes.

"Aye I'm finna' gone get us something to eat. I'll be right back." Boola stood up. "Kel you wanna come with me?"

Makel nodded.

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