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Makenzie Parks

December 14, 2023Graduation Day~~~

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December 14, 2023
Graduation Day


Makel fell out crying on the ground just embarrassing me like I ain't raised him. Every time I walked away to go line up he starts crying and I only had about five minutes to spare. I would expect my newborn to cry the most but it's really Makel. Keio was laid in his car seat sucking his pacify sleeping peacefully.

"Get yo ass up boy for you get whooped." Machai grabbed him as he continued to holler throughout the building.

"Makel mommy gotta go, ima see you in a minute." I grabbed him pecking his face. He latched onto me and laid his head on my shoulder. I rubbed his back pecking his forehead before Machai pulled him off of me.

Makel started crying again reaching for me and I got sad. I fanned my eyes trying to keep from crying but I couldn't help it. I hated seeing my children cry, it always make me feel bad. Even though I knew nothing was wrong, he just had been up under me these past few days and I'm actually gonna be away from him for a while. My baby just attached to me and I love it honestly.

"Kenzie go fix your makeup, he'll be okay I promise." Machai picked up Makeio carseat and carried Kel away. I watched them head into the ceremony and I made my way to the bathroom. My heels clacked against the floor as I entered, grabbing tissue to touch up my makeup. I cleaned my nose and made myself smile before running lipgloss across my lips yet again.

"Smile." I said to myself fixing my hair.

I had about two minutes to spare, so I rushed myself out the bathroom. Just as the door closed behind me, Shamir was passing and he had some flowers and a balloon in his hand. We spotted each other and he made his way over to me.

"Congratulations." He spoke and I nodded.


"You look nice..."

"Thanks." I looked down, "Thank you for coming."

He shrugged, "It's no problem, ima go in there and find me somewhere to sit aight?"


He opened his arms for a hug and I hesitated before hugging him. He hugged me tighter and I chuckled a bit, I don't even know why.

"Say you not mad at me no more." He mumbled in my ear.


"Cause I don't want you mad at me."

I sighed, "I'm not mad at you anymore."

He released from the hug and pecked my cheek.

"Not tryna mess up yo makeup." He laughed before grabbing my hand. "Where you need to be? Don't you posed to be lined up?"

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