
535 28 32

Makenzie Parks

October 25, 2023
Jeyln House.

"I don't care just leave me alone!"

"Stop pullin' away from me befo' I beat the shit out yo ass!"

I forcefully pushed Boola hands off me as we fought around the kitchen. I'm so sick of arguing and going back and ducking forth with him. Everyday it's been something and I honestly just wanna leave. I wanna let go and let God but he's making it hard for me. I wanna figure it out without getting my brother involved because I don't want things to get took too far.

"Just stop and let me leave! Boola please just let me go I'm begging you!" I cried backing into the wall.

"You da' one who wanted to move in here wit' me! I never asked you dat' shit!" He yelled snatching my arm causing me to jerk away once again. "You wanna go? Come on shit let's go!"

He grabbed my arm dragging me from the corner. I watched him snatch my car keys before quickly opening the back door. He threw my keys up in the air and dragged me outside behind him.

"Stop!" I cried, "I don't wanna come out here!"

"You wanna leave? Here's yo chance." He closed and locked the back door door as I banged and screamed for help.

I could hear the growling from behind me and I slowly looked back at Dino and Clay. They were Boola two pit bulls and they were very vicious. He knew I was scared of them and he knew that they attacked if someone was messing with him. They literally break from their chains all the time and I just knew today would be that day. I can't even run how I used to because I'm eight months pregnant.

"JEYLN!" I screamed at the top of my lungs feelings the heat get to me. It was sixty degrees outside, yet I was burning up from fear. I continued banging and screaming at the door before looking back one more time. The dogs were barking and growling tryna break from their chains.

I breathed heavily looking around for my keys. I knew they had fell back here somewhere and I had to find them. I tip toed off the deck keeping my eyes on the dogs. I had spotted my keys in the grass just a few inches behind them. I was scared as shit, but I couldn't stay back here all night.

I gotta go.

I dodged the dogs running around them scared as fuck. I tried to grab the keys but of course I couldn't and I had to run around a second time. Once I got ahold of them, I took off as fast as I could from those dogs. It was only God because they weren't able to break free from their chains today. I was just happy to be free of this house and that crazy ass nigga.

I happily unlocked my car doors hopping in. I started the car up putting the car in reverse. I tried to back out but my car wouldn't move. I tried again but it still didn't work.

"What the fuck?" I asked myself wiping the tears from my eyes. I opened the door looking down to see my tires were fucking slashed. "Wow."

I looked up at the house seeing Boola sitting on the steps smoking a blunt. He was looking at me with a satisfied smirk on his face. I felt so defeated, just so fucking stupid like I had lost everything. I couldn't win with this man, I just couldn't. These past couple days really opened my eyes to him.

Everyone tried to warn me.

"I gotta get my son! And this is what you do?" I screamed angrily letting the heavy tears flow from my eyes. I slammed my car door clutching my keys in my hand. I walked up on the porch inching closer to him with my keys. He looked up at me as I raised my hand letting the keys cut under his right eye.

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