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Makenzie Parks

December 15, 2023
Sha Apartment

"Good morning."

Sha spoke as I awoke looking around his messy bedroom. I waved at him still tired before pulling myself up in the bed. I pulled his comforter up over my shoulders as the morning breeze hit me.

"You slept aight?" Sha asked lighting his blunt. He was standing against his dresser.

"Yeah...so, is Camari okay?" I asked yawning.

"Yeah, she said when the car cut off she got out and lifted up the hood. Then went back in the car to search for something, but then she saw a damn dog and he chased her through the field and but her ankle. Said she found something to hit the dog with but she couldn't move after that so she just had to lay there."

"That's crazy." I leaned back against the headboard. I hesitated before speaking again, "You looked so concerned last night. The way you stared at her last night was—"

"Aye," He shook his head, "I don't even wanna hear that."

"No, I'm not starting shit. I'm just saying I've never seen you look so concerned for someone. You looked like you really cared. Every bump and pothole we went over you looked up in the rear view mirror to make sure she was okay."


"I see that you really love the girl." I commented.

"Yeah I do."

"More than a sibling though right?"

He chuckled, "I knew this shit was coming."

"Sha I'm just saying—"

He began rapping out loud as he walked out his room closing the door. I snatched the covers off myself before following him out the room. I made my way into the living room, but it was empty. I walked back in the hallway twisting Quez room door and opening it. There laid Sha and Camari passing the blunt back and forth.

I entered the room and the tension felt thick. It was so awkward, especially since Camari was just staring at me.

"Can you come back to your bedroom?" I asked leaning against the wall.

"Not if you finna start some shit." He passed Camari the blunt.

"I wasn't." I scoffed.

"Aight then give me a few minutes, lemme finish smoking." He mumbled and I rolled my eyes walking back into his bedroom.

Camari Collins


"She crazy."

I mentioned as Makenzie left the bedroom. Sha just laughed as he took the blunt yet again. I pulled the sheet from off my ankle seeing it was slightly bruised. The scratch from the dog bite looked very disgusting and fresh.

"Where was you going?" Sha asked leaning over to check my ankle as well.

"Um," I chuckled nervously, "See I was going to look for Foo. He and I had an argument and he got in his car and sped away and I went after him. I had lost him on the road, but I still had his location and I followed until my tire blew and that was it."

"Chasing after a nigga? Aight now. Don't let Foo get you fucked up." He shook his head.

I sighed, "It was very stupid of me I know but I didn't wanna just leave on bad terms. Sometimes we go days without talking and it hurts."

"I see."

"Enough of me, you and Kenzie messing around again huh?" I asked and he side eyed me.

"Not necessarily, but yeah. Just tryna keep my family happy. We got two kids and I want them to attend the funeral tomorrow so." He dragged shrugging his shoulders.

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