Wow. 13

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Emma's POV

I am hiding in a powd- restroom at Lola's diner,
I just couldn't take it, the smell of food and All that Grease it was nauseating. sure the food looked so good but the number of calories and fat in that one meal Zack had, would destroy everything I have worked so hard to achieve, and why does Zack keep bringing up how much I eat?
There's nothing wrong with it. Unless this is all part of his plan to screw me over and ruin my image, No Zack might be obnoxious and rude sometimes but would he really try to ruin my life?

I just need to stay collected, I almost snapped at him earlier, okay time to go out there, walking back over to Zack, eyes still following me, they look at me like I'm not even a person, everybody does, well most everyone. Zack always thought of me like I'm just another individual who has more than they deserve, and he's not wrong. I sat down
"Welcome back how was the powder room, your highness?" Zack said mockingly "delightful, thank you peasant" I replied humorously. "Are you sure you're not hungry?" He asked I smiled at him. Zack's phone started to buzz, He picked it up, I watch his eyes darker and his smile fall.

"We have to go" Zack mumbled and Lola handed him a take-out box to put his food in. "What's going on Zack?" I asked " my moms finally home" he didn't say very happy, quickly we got up I waved bye to Lola as Zack grabbed me and began walking to the door, "I'm just a rag doll to you huh" I tried joking but he stayed quiet. and once we got to the car he practically pushed me into it, so his mom seems to bother him as well.
Zack jumped in and put the car in drive before racing off definitely breaking all the speed limits.
He is so upset, why? I wonder how bad his mom must be for him to act like this.

The 7-minute drive felt more like an eternity, silence seemed to be our thing. "Zack, could you please slow down. I don't wanna get in a car accident" nothing "Zack" I asked a little louder this time. "shut the hell up Emma" flinching at his bitter voice. "I'm sorry" I apologized it was my natural response to being yelled at. Zack gave me a quick glance before turning his eyes back on the road. "Look um I didn't mean to shout at you, so yeah," he said softly  " you don't apologize very often do you?" I asked, and he started to laugh "that obvious"

"Why are you so mad at your mom, sorry curious,"  I asked "she just does things and doesn't care what happens to her kids" he sounded guilty, "is this about Zara?"
"Oh look we're back at the house" he avoided the question.  Oh Whatever, I saw a new car in the driveway it was a red Rolls-Royce, isn't that a mouthful. Zack parked the car and we got out, he walked to the door and I followed closely behind him, once we got inside, I saw a tall woman, gorgeous would be an understatement. Her long deep red hair was in loose curls that fell down her curvy body and she had pale green eyes that were much lighter than Zack's but just as enchanting. "Welcome home hun, how's your day going?" Her voice was smooth, her eyes move to me"oh and you must be Amelia, I'm Nova. My you are just as pretty in person as you are in pictures "

Zack scowled at her "what do you want? You're never home on Sunday or ever for that matter " his voice might've been more hateful towards her than me.
" Zacharias" Nova began to speak but He cut off
"don't call me that, it's Zack" she took a deep breath "alright I'm not going to argue with you in front of our guest, which is what I assume you're so upset about?" Nova spoke with the same twisted calmness that Zack did
"Sure let's go with that" he answered before rushing off upstairs.

"Tsk What am I going to do with that child," Nova said jokingly "forgive me for saying this but he seemed genuinely upset, I don't think it's a joking matter" I stated
"You might be right, but he has a tendency to be dramatic, just like his dad. Anyways I'm not for long, but can I get you anything?" Nova asked sweetly "No thank you, Miss Wilson," I said slightly agitated and I don't why, I tried to cover it up with a smile
" I see alrighty darling forgive me for not being here for your arrival yesterday," she said before walking off to the door.
What the heck just happened.

Hey everyone! sorry for how short and rushed this chapter was, really busy with a new puppy. I hope you enjoyed it.

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