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"Emma let's take shots" has he finally lost it? I've never even done shots before, it can't be that much different from like wine right?...

" Did you hit your head?"

" Not really the answer I was expecting"

" We have school tomorrow and Zoes here"

" Zoe's passed out, and we might not have school tomorrow"

"Zack tomorrow is Monday"

"Uhhh your point?"

"Are you already drunk?"

"Nope, but we're about to be" he made a popping sound emphasizing nope

" you're so funny" sarcasm filled my words

" no I'm serious we're not gonna have school tomorrow, just trust me for once" the mischievous look in his eyes, made me so worried and a little curious.

"I'm going to bed" I turned on my heels almost slipping because of the socks.

"Emma" his big hands garbed my waist in one strong action he pulled me back into his chest. "Be careful, you don't need to bruise anything else tonight" part of me wanted nowhere near him, and his unpredictable self. But his voice felt like velvet to my ears

I could feel his abdomen through the thin fabric of my shirt well Zack's shirt. His fingers on my stomach made all my insecurities flare. I was so hyperaware of all the places his body was pressed against. he could feel all the appalling parts of me that I knew were there, The size difference between us seemed much more intense with him this close

"Zack" Why did he make me feel so fuzzy

He leaned down his lips just above my ear, his breath tickled my neck

"Em Just forget the night with me," his speech was low and dripping with, desperation? Sadness? Something more.

"o..okay" my breath lost somewhere in my throat. I don't even know why I accepted, Just a few moments ago we argued and now here I was in his arms. And even though his touches were so innocent they made my legs feel like jelly. And filled my mind with things I knew weren't right. What are you doing to me?

"Perfect" he backed away from me, his hands moved from my waist to my wrist. He led me towards a door I haven't been to before...

It had stairs that lead down. He gently pulled me along with him.  I couldn't tell if I liked it more, when he treated me like glass or when he just pushed me around whenever he felt like it.  was that bad?

Once we made it down the steps into what looked like, a massive cinema. Which we passed Through to another door. Once he opened it, a bar stocked with different bottles, big tanks with pretty fish. it was like a smaller club... There are speakers. And all the fun stuff. Zach pulled me over me to a stool and practically pushed me into it.

After straightening myself out. I watch as he looked at the various bottles, two small glasses in his hand. He had really big hands. And the way his muscles moved as he grabbed things. Zack turns to face me, placing everything down. He pour the gold liquid into the little glass and pushed it over to me. His eyes never left mine.  Sweet Jesus, why did he have to look like that?

"Well, ladies first sweetheart"



"What's wrong with you?"

"fucking everything," he said sarcastically

"Do it with me" He raised an eyebrow, and it took me a sec to realize where his head had gone.

"Ew no! I meant the shot, your disgusting"

his deep laugh floated Through the room

"I thought you were talking about the drinks the whole time, get your head out of the gutter Emma" he winked

"Are yo-" his finger landed on my lip silencing me

" Just take your shot"

I looked away

"You know They'll get stuck if you keep rolling your eyes like that"

I picked up the glass and quickly poured the liquid into my mouth. It burned more than I expected. But in a good way?

Zack took his, and gave zero reaction, he poured two more and slide one over to me, this happen a
Few more times until the world around us numbed out.

I was no longer aware of what I was doing,  Zack and I sat on the ground our backs against the cold wall. 

"You feeling okay?" I couldn't comprehend what he meant, I was great well kinda

"What do you mean?" I got up to grab another drink.

A hand pulled me down and I fell on his lap

"That's enough drinking for one night"

"That's rich coming from you" I let my head fall on his chest, it just felt too heavy to keep up

"I can handle my alcohol"

"So can I" He just laughed at my answer

I move my head up to eye level, putting my hands on his face

"Whatcha doing?" His voice sounded funny but everything kind of felt fuzzy so I guess it made sense

"Feeling your face"

"Why? Does it feel nice" he said, almost laughing

"Mmhm your skin soft" my finger went to his lips I wanted to know what it would feel like to give in to lust just once

"Emma" his tone was different, lower.

"C..Can uh we kiss?" Did I have no control over the words that left my mouth?

His hands grabbed mine and pulled them away from his face.

"Okay time to get off me" shoot I forgot I was still on him. probably hurting him.

"Am I hurting you?"


"am I heavy?"

"What? Fuck no, how weak do you think I am."

"I'm hurting you aren't I? You can just tell me, that's why you don't wanna kiss right? I'm not pretty and small like Rachel"

"OK you lost me"

I felt vulnerable like I wanted to cry

"I'm going to be sick" I struggled off of him failing multiple times.

His hand gripped my shoulders tightly

"Okay stop, if you keep flailing around like that, you're gonna end up hitting me"
He got up while slowly standing me up as well.

As soon as I felt steady enough, I just ran to the restroom for once I didn't have to force my fingers down my throat. It Was like my body was just emptying itself... Maybe it was the alcohol or the humiliation. Neither we're good.

I'm never drinking again

I hope you guys like this page.
I'm so sorry it took so long to get up. It's been a terrible new year.🤣

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