Complicated. 10

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Emma pov

"Complicated?" Zack asked eyeing me inquisitively. "Yes, is something wrong with that?" I questioned as he started laughing "no just are you together or not? I don't see how it can be complicated, unless..." he trailed off "unless what" how annoying. "Unless you two are just friends with certain.. benefits?" He said giving me a wink. "excuse me, are you implying something?" How obnoxious " I wouldn't dream of it your highness" he professed.

"um, what is A friend with benefits?" Zoe's innocent voice piped in, instinctively I put my hand on my mouth and kept quiet. Watching, zack gave her a soft smile " it's just two people who act like a couple on occasion, they're just not fully together yet" he explained, "ohh so are you on two Friends with benefits?" I was kinda stunned Did she seriously just ask that, "what no! I said people who act like a couple" Zack defended "well you two argue like one" Zoe mumbled " so how is your waffle sweetheart?" maybe I can distract her "they are great! Zack makes the best waffles"

That's how our Conversation went for the rest of breakfast, It was almost peaceful I liked watching them, they had such a close relationship the kind I could only dream of for my siblings . "Emma, I'm getting to take Zoe over to Seans." Zack said "wait I thought they were coming over here!" Zoe piped in. "Zoe go get dressed" He asserted I watched as Zoe quickly ran off, "I should get ready too, did you want to come?" did  Zack just invite me? he's actually been a decent person since I got here. "Yes um well thank you"i spoke almost unsure, Zack gave me an odd look "cool, I'll be right back with zoe," he said walking away, you know now that I'm left alone all of my horrid thoughts began to attack, I walked over to the small powder room, to set my eyes on the mirror.
When did I become this? I'm the girl in the reflection,  But if I am not her then who. I didn't I always care this much about my appearance, I miss the simplicity of the past.

"Mommy!" I saw her standing near the roses, smiling as her eyes wandered in my direction. she had the most beautiful eyes, they were deep blue, the kind you could dive in and never think to surface, her long golden hair had small white roses braided through it. "Amelia my dear, come here" she called so I ran over to her, my messy hair tossing around. "yes mommy" she started brushing my hair out with her fingers "have you been enjoying your piano lessons" her soft voice lingering in my ears but before I could answer . "Lady Angelica" I heard an unknown but somehow familiar voice it was deep, stone-like, and approaching from behind. My mothers hands tensed, and she pulled me into her, "did you need something? Joel" her words were icy in a way I never knew they could.

"Emma!" A startling knock on the door brought me back. Oh shoot Zack I opened the door and there he was, wearing jeans and a olive green sweatshirt his hair was tousled around, he smelled woodsy. "Are you okay?" Zack asked I gave him a small smile "yes of course just got lost in thought" I walked past him and over to Zoe. He eyed me suspiciously, "okay then, I guess we're ready to go" zack declared  walking towards the front door. Well this going to A fun day.

Hey guys! Sorry for such a short chapter
Busy week❤️ I hope you enjoyed

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