Of course. 2

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Emma's POV
When I had entered my 1st-period classroom I saw a few horrible words written on the board about our teacher. And then worst of all Zack!

When was he in this Class and as my seating buddy! great just great, I hate math enough already now I have to deal with him being here too. 
I looked at the board and looked back at Zack.

"hey cupcake what are you waiting for come sit" he said patting my seat.

I cautiously walked over smiling at him and sat down he smiled at me, not a cheerful smile but a sinister one that sent shivers down my back.

The teacher. Mrs. hart walked in and dropped her coffee when she saw the board oh shoot I forgot to erase it.

"Who did this!" She yelled furiously.

The whole class went silent, it was so uncomfortable then Zack spoke In such charming voice

"so you're my new teach, nice to meet you I'm Zack Whitlock. I'm sure we'll have quite the fun year together~"

the whole class started to laugh, I glared at him that was so disrespectful. That was the wrong move I felt a sharp kick in my leg and almost yelped I looked over to Zack he was still smiling.

I heard Mrs. hart start saying to get out our notebooks and start taking notes a few minutes past and I felt yet another kick this one harder than the last, I look over at Zack he was taking notes innocently so I went back to doing mine and again I felt a painful kick,

"stop it Zack" I whispered to him he laughed quietly and kicked me again this went on for the whole class period.

Finally, the bell rang I practically jumped out of my seat and run out of the class in hope to get away from him, I then saw Collie. And by saw, I meant weirdly tripped into all while running for my life, Collie yelped in surprise the girl got some pretty good reflexes, she caught my arm before I fell to the ground.

"I'm so sorry Collie" 

"oh hey Amelia! Don't be sorry it's my fault I left my backpack there and you tripped on it" oh no! Her backpack spilled on the floor, I quickly drop down to help clean up. " girl! You don't have to do that"  "not a problem Collie here, I um have to get going. Bye!" I handed her the backpack and bolted. I heard a "byeee!" In the background though.  Lunchtime. I hid in the library,  my father would be very disappointed if I ate now. so I decided to draw that should distract me enough.

(Far from my best work😂)

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(Far from my best work😂)

I felt somebody shake me. Collie, she found me so I looked up to see her,

"oh hey collie" I said softly

" Amelia aren't you going to come eat?" She asked sounding concerned,

"Oh no I'm not hungry right now, big breakfast" I laughed nervously,
"ok whatever you say, ugh we have PE after this" she joked

  "oh I know I hate PE " we both began to laugh, am I making a friend?
is this how it works.

I got packed up

" oh great dodgeball a game where a certain person can accidentally hit me on the head" she laughed

"Zack?" Collie asked

"how did you know," I said sarcastically

when we got to PE, the teacher .mr. smith took attendance and everyone walked off to the locker rooms I hid in a changing room, I couldn't let anyone see my scars.

We finished getting changed so collie went to the bathroom and I bumped into Rachel she such a b-word.

"ugh watch where you going princess" she spit at me

"sorry Rachel" I apologized sarcastically
and she slapped me,

"how dare you, look here you little bitch do not ever speak like that to me again"

then walked off and she's so dramatic it's been this way since we were kids I went to class I'm ok with our uniforms sweat pants and t skirts only cause they cover me, well almost. I still put on a jacket it's hot but it's worth it to protect my families image.

Once I arrived, and immediately saw Zack staring at me the bell rang and collie burst through the door yelling

"I'm here! I'm here!" and fell right on her face I, on the other hand, was crying from laughing so hard, until the back of my head was hit with a ball I looked back already knowing who threw it this is going to be one long year.

after the PE horror hour, the bell rang. yay, I'm so excited to go home can't wait to go on a run, do a 5-page essay, a Science project, piano, and dance. probably get yelled at for the Cherry on top. hopefully, he's in a good mood. I went to my locker to get my stuff and headed to the car,

before I got to it I Heard Zack and some other people including Rachel saying oh look at little miss perfect and her easy little life getting in her limo.

I know it's not that bad but if perfection is getting beat, yelled at, overworked, and much more every day I kinda wanna know what imperfection is, I just don't like to be reminded.
I got in the car fighting back my tears that are trying so hard to fall. When I arrived home I went to my room

 When I arrived home I went to my room

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Emma's room^

I Got in pajamas and got ready to do homework. A few hours later I have finally finished, when I hear my father yelling for me, this Terrified me seeing as he only ever has maids come to get me he's never calling me himself.  I run down the stairs worried about what he would do if I took too long but then I stopped when I saw a man standing beside him.

I hope you liked this page/ch and have a good day

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