Unmentionables. 15

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I'm working on fixing my writing skills,
Just a heads up if it looks different.♥️

Emma's pov

Zack and I were now walking around the mall.
I couldn't help looking at him, being here together felt so imaginary, the way Zack strode into places, filled with confidence, he was always completely himself, and I couldn't help but desire to be the same, I will never be a real person, permanently a prop in this sinister story my father has made for me.

"Alright, so what size are you?" my throat wanted to close at the thought, "Emma?" he stopped and looked at me " are you paying attention?" to much. mockery Filled his voice.

" extra small," I answered quietly, talking about it made me feel nauseous, " I figured that just wanted to make sure anyway" he's just so relaxed even in such a social setting. I've been in the cameras my entire life, but I have never been comfortable around people and it's gotten worse since I've aged.
(ps everyone is allowed to have Insecurities no matter their size🥰)

"maybe we should start in here, I'm sure there's a cute little number just waiting for you" Zack's voice was filled with amusement as he pointed to a store that's Display windows were filled with lingerie. " how about absolutely not, we are here for the bonfire," I said plainly.

"Aw, your no fun" he sounded like a child who didn't get what they wanted. "No I'm simply not childish and what is with you and the inappropriate jokes today?"
Seriously can he be more obnoxious? "Lighten up, I'm just having fun, you're so serious all the time it's hilarious when. You get flustered"

"So where should we go?" I asked. Zack, Sighed and started looking around " well where do you shop Em? Because we need to avoid it like the plague" I  stayed quiet and rolled my eyes at him,

" how many times do I have to say it, calm down cupcake it's just a joke well kinda" his voice was mostly of laughter. I couldn't help but enjoy his laugh even if it was caused by my misery.

"I've only been here once before, I don't generally shop for my clothes " he raised an eyebrow at me

"you've got to be kidding me" his voice was fused with irritation? I simply shook my head. "So you have people to shop for you, what else do they choose what you wear as well?" he said humorously I stay silent not knowing how to answer back.

"Seriously!" he whisper yelled. I smiled nervously. Zack scoffed but he didn't seem mad instead messing my hair up with his hand, "don't do that" I smacked it away.

He grinned playfully "what?"

It's way too much work being around him.

"You attract a lot of attention, look around everyone's watching"  he was right,  people were pointing and whispering as they looked at us.
I began to panic and stopped thinking straight "let's check out that store you were talking about, quickly now"  zack stared at me like I was a loony.

"Are you sure?" he sounded So confused, "yes um please, now" I was desperate to get out of the open area, even if it meant going into Udella's unmentionables,  wow that's quite the name for a store. What have I gotten myself into this time?
We walked into the small store, It had little light to it. mostly lit by candles.  There were so many different styles of undergarments. continuing to walk farther back, there was a wall of oddly shaped items. "Wha-"

"Hello, my dears" a soothing Southern voice came from behind. We turned around to see a short, curvy woman with dark skin, she was very pretty, "hello miss?" She laughed, " why I'm auntie Udella, and you two are perhaps the best looking couple I've seen in a while" couple? did she think that him and I, oh goodness.

"How sweet of you, and can I just say you are quite exquisite" is he actually flirting with this lady, right now? And you didn't even deny the fact that we were a couple, come on. "oh hush yourself, I'm sure this little cutie doesn't like to watch you flirt with other women" this is an actual conversation right? " oh um wel-" I started but Zack put his finger on my mouth. Gross! who knows where his hands have been.

"Mia Angelo, gets so shy around new people," Zack stated, was talking about me? "well is there something you two are looking for to spice things up? Perhaps something lacy or maybe a new toy?" A toy? What on earth are they going on about, Zack must've noticed my confusion, A smirk spread across his face, and he Leaned in whispering something into my ear.

(Mia Angelo = my angel)

My face must've been redder than a cherry with how Zack broke out into a fit of laughter.
" it's been a pleasure meeting you auntie Udella, but it appears we'll have to take a rain check on that unmentionable spice" his voice was so suggestive? "I look forward to seeing you two Darlings again," Udella said on her way to attend to another customer.

"What is wrong with you?" I pleaded that was kind of humiliating. it's like I forgot how to speak,
"I was just having some fun" amusement dance in his eyes, " right of course, I forgot your idea of fun was" I wanted to keep smiling but annoyance laced my voice.
I strolled out of the store, this time Zack had to follow me, " hey! You wanted to go into that store, so I assumed you knew what they sold" he said defensively " well Zack you assume a lot of things, doesn't mean it's all true"

" you're so whiny when things don't go your way, at least I'm trying to get along with you" zack asserted. I scoffed " you are not a piece of cake to get along with either, at least I don't humiliate you in sex shops" I whispered a yell.

" fine let's just find some clothes and get out of here" he was clearly frustrated. "Sounds perfect" but this time so was I.

It's astonishing I had actually desired to be like him of all people well that was no longer the case, he doesn't care who he hurts as long as it's fun. but what can I say Zack was always looking out for only himself.

I hope you guys enjoyed this page, have a wonderful day

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