. 14

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Emmas pov

Zack's mom, Nova. seriously Just walked out the door after clearly seeing that she made her son so upset, even being here for barely a day and You could already tell that Zack and his parents don't get along, I mean he only refers to their father by his first name then yells at his mom within two seconds of seeing her, and I can't help but think the reason behind this argument, is all my fault.
Maybe I should go see if Zack's okay? Or I could just stay here pacing around.

Goodness, I'm probably going to regret this. finally, I made my way upstairs, walking through the hallway and heading straight to Zack's room. Well, it's not too late to change my mind, maybe I should just leave him alone?
"Mmm" I lightly knocked on the door "Zack" no answer  I was about to knock once more but before I could the door swung open and I was abruptly pulled inside before I could register what was happening he pinned me against the wall "pancakes on a stick! What is wrong with you" I shrieked "forget about what happened" he ordered his voice was so deep and dire that I wanted to forget and well trying to squirm out of his grip was not working either"whats wrong you?!" I asked "forget about my mom, the last thing I need is for you to come up here and rub family issues in my face" his voice had strain to it he sounded more in pain then angered. I was a little hurt too, I thought that Zack and I had a moment earlier,  maybe I was wrong.

"Do you really think I would do that?" I asked trying not to sound so pathetic, his Emerald eyes piercing, he was so intently staring at me,
I didn't know how to feel attracted? or scared?
"I'm not sure what you're capable of, but if you're anything like I hear your da-" I don't know what came over me but I slapped him across the face with my free hand, "I'm nothing like my father!"
No I can't be anything like him, his a monster
Zack released me, and took a step back

My hand flew to cover my mouth he looked so stunned?  The silence in the room could kill. "Zack, I'm so sorry" I thought he'd be angry but a smile appeared "damn, so you're not a robot" did he seriously just say that. "A what?" I'm so confused. " nothing. anyways we don't have anything to do till later, so I'm going to take a nap" he Said sitting on his bed. "What's later?"
" just a bonfire party I figured we'd go"
Did he just say we? oh my,  Zack is the most bipolar person I have ever met.
"Why are you staring at me like that, do you want to join me in bed?" he said winking. I could feel the heat rising to my face I quickly turned to the door, "um no thank you" he started laughing and that's my queue to leave, wait walk away looking um dignified? maybe Wow I'm pitiful just go

I walked to my room and sat on the bed, what to do, already done with my homework and I don't have all my extra lessons. so I actually have free time goodness that's a first. Maybe drawing could  be fun. I sometimes scribble at school during lunch. But that's normally not a lot of time for anything. My bag was laying next to my bed so instead of getting up, I leaned down and tried to grab my art stuff.
It definitely would have been easier to just stand up but who does that.

Finally I accomplished gathering everything.
I cuddle up and began to take off my shoes until I saw blood on the back of my heel, I hate it when shoes give you blisters and you bleed through tights I pulled a band-Aid out of my pocket And put it on over my tights. Now back to trying to relax. 
I started to draw random shapes to get my mind off everything but he just kept popping up in my head, when Im with zack I'm no longer a puppet or some doll everyone wants to use. Zack's a jerk but at least he's honest.
I don't know how longs it been but my hand and neck are starting to ache.
But continuing to make lines and shade as I go
It all began to come together. You've got to be kidding me.

"Hey Emma we're leaving in about an 2 hours," zack said barging in without knocking I might add, quicking hiding my book. Zack smirked
" Amelia, are you reading something naughty?" he teased jokingly. "What no! Of course not" I defended, Zack walked over and sat down on my bed, he leaned in little "your blushing, don't be embarrassed If you want we can read together" his voice was so soft and tempting. "I.. I'm not reading anything" he smiled mischievously with one quick move grabbed my sketchbook. "Zack no! Give it back" I panicked, essentially climbing on him trying to rescue it, "fyi Emma worst lap dance ever" he laughed
" I beg your pardon!" finally he stopped pushing me away but it was too late

" is this supposed to be me?" Zack said

" I know it's horrible, you don't rub it in" I pleaded It's a rough sketch no where near measuring up to zack's charming features

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" I know it's horrible, you don't rub it in" I pleaded It's a rough sketch no where near measuring up to zack's charming features.

"The shadings nice, only thing that's not accurate is the lips and eyes are a slightly different shape from mine. But besides that it's pretty good" he said "wait really?" I asked no one had ever complimented my art, Jackson said it was pointless to keep trying. " yeah, just keep in mind when Sketching something realistic your lines should be soft and fluent. I nodded "you seem to know a bit about drawing" his smile faded " yeah, Zara used to teach me, I haven't done any since she d.. left" Zack handed me back my book. "Anyways dress warm is gets cold at night, I'll be downstairs" he said leaving.

what are we? I shut my book and tossed it on a pillow. Now, what do you wear for a bonfire? Maybe just an extra jacket and some boots. Grabbing my coat and some heeled booties. I think this should work. Walking back down the stair Zack was sitting on the Counter and I mean on the counter. How improper. He glanced over at me.

"What the hell are you wearing?"Zack questioned
" what am I supposed to wear?" I said walking over to him
"you know like jeans, nonheeled shoes" he said grabbing his keys, "all of my shoes are heels and I don't have any jeans"
"Come on, you need some better clothes" zack said walking to the door. "I don't need different clothes" I stated " would you stop arguing with me, I would say to wear the clothes some of my hook ups left behind, but there not really your style" he said firmly. "No thank you" he snickered.
I'm actually going shopping with Zack, two days ago I would never have seen this coming. Funny how fast things change.

Hey everyone I hope you enjoyed this page! Again sorry for the delay on it.♥️

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