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"So Did you get them?" Sean's voice filled the car.
He kept his eyes on the road. I reached in my pocket, pulling out the small item.

"of course I did, wasn't that hard" I Look down at the decorative chain, well correction it was a pearl bracelet, which Emma always wore. dangling from it, was the school key, and three more gold ones: which I assume, one goes to her house. But Not a clue about the other two.

"Okay, now what? you're not actually going to go and murder that teacher right?" Sean's voice seemed fused with worry.

I couldn't help but snicker, and for a moment Sean's eyes switched to me.

"Sean calm down, that's the past. Just gonna Rough him up a little bit"

"Why?" Sean knew me better than anyone.
But he seemed so confused, maybe because I am?

"What are you going on about? I played with the delicate bracelet, wondering where all the keys went.

"Look, I just want to know why you're so upset, what is she to you?"

"Are you implying something?" I snapped

Sean sighed "No, just curious"  he pulled into the school parking lot.

"Amelia light is nothing but amusement to me, she just my toy and I don't like to share what's mine, it's as simple as that" but was it that easy?

"I was thinking, are we sure that she's all that bitchy and conceited? I mean we really don't know her." Sean put the car in park and just looked at me.

"Aw does Seany have a little crush? Are you seriously falling for her innocent act" I mocked

Sean glared at me and got out of the car, God he's so sensitive sometimes. "wait up!", I followed after him

" Zack your arrogant ass is so blinded by jealousy and hatred it controls you" Sean lashed out on. His words Felt like venom. he turned to face me, and I couldn't stand The look he had, I just lost control,  my fist collided with his face, and sean stumbled back.

" Don't let your little girl crush, make you forget who you're talking to" my voice Just as malicious.
Sean wiped away the small bit of blood that dripped from his nose.

" um, so should we get inside?" I cleared my throat.

"Uh yeah, The alarm and cameras will come on at 11 so we have about two hours"

"Perfect," I said picking out the right key,
which luckily wasn't too hard,
since Principessa(princess) labeled it.

Once the doors were unlocked, Sean began leaving the way, The halls were dark and empty.
And I thought school was bad when people were here. After a little bit of walking, Sean came to a stop.

"Is this it?" I didn't have Cade for a teacher, Believe it or not, I'm in honors math, it's the only Advanced class I'm in and Emma isn't. Sean stood at the door, which was wide open. "Sean, what is it?"

He moved inside the room "seriously what's wro-"

I was lost for words, John Cade. Was nowhere to be found, but blood pooled by the window. A desk Laid on its side, and a mug was shattered, it's glass covered the ground.

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