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Omg, I can't believe the story itself made it to 1k reads. Thank you guys so much for your patience❤️


I just can't catch a break today,  of course, the one time I fall asleep naked, is when zack comes in. How embarrassing. I threw on some pajamas, and as I was about to head downstairs. I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror.  Oh God, he saw me like this. I look dead, my skin was paler than Usual with dark bags and my eyes looked just lifeless. 

Okay, just a little bit of makeup. I'll wash it off before bed.  I used makeup like a shield. It made me feel safe, and after the day I've had I craved safety, I don't remember the last time I felt it like actually felt it. But for now, I'll take the false protection, my makeup offers.

A little bit of concealer, and by little, I mean a lot. Some blush, mascara, and soft pink lip oil. And even after that, I still hated my reflection. I looked a little more alive. I always felt most insecure when stuff seem to be falling apart, nothing could change the fact that Zack knew. and it was cracking my façade. there was some serious damage control needing to be done, I'm not gonna let him ruin everything. I've worked so hard for.

I walked downstairs and to the kitchen.  Sweet Zoe was happily eating. dunking her bread into the soup with her little hands.  I couldn't remember what it was like to be like that. or if I ever was.

I locked eyes with zack for a split second.
something about him was different, he didn't seem like the same guy he had been a couple of days ago. I don't know what was changing between us, but I didn't like it.

"Emma! Your PJs are so pretty" Zoe said with a big smile.
She was so precious. It made my heart melt.

"Thank you sweetheart" 

I took my seat next to her. And she began telling me about her day. She talked an awful lot. About a boy in her class named Caleb.

Every time she mentioned him. Zack's jaw would just barely stiffen.

I tried to listen to zoe carefully, it was a good distraction from the panic rising with every bite.
But I needed zack to know that everything was fine.

We finished up I eat my entire bowl and a few crackers, I hadn't finished a plate for as long as I can remember. I felt so sick, but starving at the same time. I need to control myself and get out of here.

"Good night Princess Zoe" I softly rubbed her head.

"You're going to bed alreadyyyy?"  she whined
I couldn't help but let out a small laugh

"Emma doesn't feel good Zoe" zack chimed into our conversation slightly glaring at me. his words felt sharp.

Zoe smile dropped

"You don't feel good, will you be okay?" she was meek.

"Of course! Don't worry, I'm sure I'll feel just fine tomorrow"

"Oki, can we play princesses then?" how could I say no to those puppy eyes?

" Anything for you" I started to walk off

"Emma, get some sleep" zack spoke up, what died in his pillow.

I looked back at him.

"um yeah, good night zack"

After giving zoe a last hug. I went to wash off my face once again. I fell in bed and planned to go to sleep. But could not get comfortable no matter how hard I tried. So I sat in bed and watched the ceiling.

Well, until a light knock on my door appeared.
they cracked open slightly

"hey are you up and you know not naked" god he was so irritating but his voice sounded so good.

"Yes, do you need something"

The door open more and he stepped inside.

"Why are the lights on?" he questioned.

"Why are you in here?" I replied.

He threw a shirt at me, I kind of just stared at him, hoping he'd give me some sort of explanation.

"your pajamas, they look super fucking uncomfortable, I assume that's all you have"

" I mean I have a couple different ones like them"

" Yeah well I think this shirt would be more sleepable, I mean, unless you wanna take up your clothes" he winked again

I rolled my eyes

"Okay okay geez, it's just a joke"

" Whatever Why do you do Care?"

"Look i'm sorry I freaked out on you earlier"
Wait was he actually apologizing?

" what?"

"I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions. If you are just sick, I just think you should be comfortable"

"Oh um thank you"

"No problem, I'm going head to bed. let me know if you need anything" with that, he walked out the door.

well, that was weird but then again, what's not weird about encounters.

Oh zack who are you really?  Bipolar for sure.

I looked at the shirt. it was quite large,  had to be his. it smelled just like him. kind of woodsy with a little spice to it.  goodness, I loved his cologne. Let's pretend I didn't say that though.

I know it was odd, but I wanted to wear it. So I stepped out of the stupid garments, and pulled it over my head. It was so soft. I laid back down. somehow it made me feel safe which is crazy because the guy has smacked me before
and for some reason I was OK with it which sounds terrible I know.

maybe it's just because of who I am.

Not too long after I could feel my eyes slowly shutting darkness taking over. please no nightmares.

Hey guys!! I hope you like this page😊 and are having a wonderful day🥹

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