Please don't get us killed, 18

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Emma's pov

I know that voice, even so, turning around I was still surprised to see her, With him.
Zack's arms wrapped tightly around her small waist. She was tall and slender. but still, manage to have fantastic boobs. Her light brown hair fell just below her jaw and looked lovely with her silvery eyes "Hello, Rachel" I smiled at her, trying to ignore that she had just wished for the death of my existence.

"Amelia, could I interest you in a drink?" Her wicked grin made me uneasy. "Leave her be Rach" I looked up at Zack, and She rolled her eyes "are you defending this bitch?" Rachel spat
"No I just think there something more enjoyable we could do" Zack's fingers trailed her top

"You two are gross" collie wrinkled her nose.
"Says you blue, how many poor souls have you been with this week" Sean said jokingly. "Wait have all of you?.. um well you know had sex" I couldn't help but whisper the last part, My father always told me, doing anything before marriage would make my worth as a person less. And I just want to be wanted. they all started laughing,
I felt the heat go to my cheeks.

"Of course why am I not surprised, little miss perfects a virgin" Rachel snickered "back off bitch" Collie said while putting her hand on my arm in a comforting way. "Excuse me?!" Rachel hissed. "Whats with the arguing over here" Jason said while approaching us.

" oh God, Jason what happened to your face" Rachel raised a question and she was right, his face was bruised all over with a busted lip. I couldn't help but feel bad for him he was a jerk but still. "don't worry about it" Jason voice was firm he clearly didn't wanna talk. He's eyes wandered to me, but he quickly looked away
no snarky remark? he must really be in a bad mood.

"I thought I told you not to bother us anymore,
you're so clingy it's pitiful" Zack ridiculed
But Jason simply walked away. "That was really rude of you" I stated. "So what, The guy is a total douche"
" what does that make you?" Zacks actions were so distasteful though I wouldn't dispute with him on a normal basis, but maybe I was in a bad mood. Which can't happen I'm always nice. " what did you say?" He sounded more intrigued than angry.
I simply shook my head not wanting to start something "to bad, I thought this was gonna be interesting"

" don't worry, I can make this more interesting for you" Rachel spoke seductively. " i'm not in the mood anymore, come on Em lets go" Zach said in a bored tone. "Leaving so soon?" Ethan asked.

"Wait seriously, you don't want me?" Rachel said defensively "not really, say bye Emma so we can go"  Collie and I hugged, to be honest I just wanted to leave as well this was a total waste of time "um Zack should I call my driver?"  I asked as we pushed though the crowd, " why would you do that?"  "because you've been drinking," I said In a duh tone. " I had two beers, wouldn't really call that drinking" 

we had finally made it to the car, and before he could open the driver door, I stepped in front of it. " seriously Zack you could get us arrested, or killed in a car crash"  he carefully put his hand on my face "stop being so dramatic, i'm not even buzzed. Now get in the car before I make you"
" absolutely not, i'm calling for someone to pick us up" with a quick move Zack had snatch my phone and lifted me up "put me down this Instant" silently he walked over to the passage side opened the door and carefully tossed me in, he leaned closer "do I have to buckle you up again?" Zack whispered in my ear "no, and give me back my phone"  He chuckled and slam the door shut.

I watch Zack walk around and hop in,
he quickly put the car in reverse and began to back up, " you can have your phone back once we get to the house" he said pulling onto the road, I might die tonight. " Don't worry so much I do this all the time" Zack lazily added. "Just Drive safely" I pleaded
"as you wish your highness".

after a short drive that felt like forever, we finally made it back alive.  I was now cuddled up in bed. Reading. luckily Zack had been so distracted with the party he forgot about dinner. And he hopped in the shower as soon as we got back. so I could actually relax, even though I couldn't fall asleep,
my mind was too busy,it kept on drifting back to Jasons face, I really do wonder what happened to him.

I hope you guys enjoyed this page have a wonderful day❤️❤️

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