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"Awwww you look so cute Emma!" collie clapped her hands together

"They might be a little big but baggy clothes are the comfiest clothes" Rachel chimed in

The sleeves were a little long, so are the pants but at least they had a drawstring for the waist

"alrighty, so are we ready to go to the basement?"

"Yeah c I wonder if the boys are here yet"

We walked downstairs and there was no one on the main floor, so they must all be in the basement. when we got to the theater room there they were, the three boys spread out on the bed.

Sean was already eating popcorn that boy never stopped eating, Zack had a beer and Ethan just laid there with his eyes closed.

it's funny how different all these people were. they didn't seem to have anything in common not even Collie and Rachel. but they were all so close I just didn't understand

Collie walked over to Ethan and just played on top of him, neither of them seemed like their relationship type of people but they definitely had something going on.

I loved their banter and the ways they look at each other though there were complete opposite.
collie was extroverted a complete social butterfly,
which was captivating to pretty much everyone.
bright, colorful hair, her caramel eyes. here, and there you could hear her accent... i'm not quite sure what it was, but I'm pretty sure she was Hispanic.

Ethan on the other hand, almost never showed his emotions, unless it was hate, he was very calm and collected. A guy of few words you could say. collie brought out the life in him and he kept her alive, she was really reckless. But they looked great together, his dark skin, with bright blue eyes that matched her hair

I loved watching them the way he smiled, whenever he saw her. I wanted that.
I want the kind of love that you know is always there, even when you argue, you can still feel it, I want someone to love me, to need me to be there.
but I think that kind of love only exist books and Wattpad stories

Rachel went to steal popcorn from Sean and I sat on the edge of the bed, it's safe to say I was definitely uncomfortable. these people had all been so mean to me in the past. Well I suppose not Collie and Sean.. but it doesn't change the fact that these are all strangers, I have to keep my front up with. I don't know who the real me is, but I know I can't be that person. I was broken from beginning. This is simply who I am.

I felt a hand around my stomach. I tensed up.
it pulled me up higher on the bed,

" you can come up a little bit more princess we're not the plague"
Zack of course

it turned around to face them all and pulled my knees up to my chest Zack's hand still resting on my lower back.

"So uh what do you doing on a sleepover?"

" have you never had a sleepover before?"
collie's face looked mortified

" i'm pretty sure you have to have friends to do that" Ethan spit out

" Ethan shut your face. No one cares about your opinion." collie smacked him.

"Collie its okay he's not wrong" I smile at her "I've always had trouble making friends and I was never really allowed to have sleepovers"

It kinda went quiet for a second I should've kept that to myself

"I could feel Zack's gaze burning into me"
I didn't even wanna know what he was thinking about.

"So uh what movie do we want to watch?"
Sean said breaking the silence

" Central intelligence" Rachel spoke up the guys looked at her " what? It's funny and the rock has nice abs"

Continue to ramble on about why we should watch the movie, I couldn't help but blush her talking about abs made me think about Zack's body, specifically when he was working out.
Oh my God brain please shut up, this is not the time.

After Callie's little rant, the boys gave it. It worked out for everybody. It was an action movie a comedy and there was abs. I couldn't help but laugh at them all bicker.

" what are you laughing at Blondie?" Zack said with a smile, had he ever genuinely smiled like this at me before? I used to think that Zack only got girls because of his body. but this was the real moneymaker, his smile just gave you butterflies, almost enough to make me forget all the awful things he's done almost.

Collie cuddle into Ethan Rachel laid next to Sean while munching on some candy, Zack and I were I were laying on the higher part of the bed part of the bed further from the from TV.

(Think of something like this

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(Think of something like this. Obviously a different color scheme.. and like chairs laid down with air mattresses put on top. And im only talking about the beds not the room itself I'm not quite sure if that makes sense though I hope it does.)

We watched the movie for awhile and I wished I could relax but I couldn't stop thinking about there personalities, they each had one, but I didn't

Maybe I spent too much time much time on my appearance, I thought it would fix everything that's wrong with me, like maybe just maybe a pretty face would be enough to make all the bad in me look good.

I hope you guys liked this page. I'm sorry, it wasn't up yesterday. It wasn't a very good day. And I hope you all stay warm and drive safe

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