The woods. 11

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I waited carefully in Zack's expensive car, it was a black Ferrari not sure about the model nonetheless it was Sleek and shiny. So I'm spoiled? unless he was the one who bought this
lovely vehicle, I don't want a peep.  I glanced in the back, Zack was helping Zoe get buckled into her car seat, he seems so caring around her. why is he so different at school? But To be honest I'm no better. Once Zoe was safely secured. Zack hopped into the driver's seat. I slowly relaxed as the car began to move.

 I slowly relaxed as the car began to move

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Sean's house^

It was a quiet drive, but finally, we made it to Seans, it was a nice house but not quite like I was expecting. It wasn't very lavish like Zacks or mine although it did have something that both of ours lacked, It was homey. The kind of place you'd raise a family I loved it. I watched from the car as Zack took Zoe to the door. She scampered inside, and the guys stayed out talking, Sean pointed at the car and started laughing, he had a lovely smile, and his deep blue eyes were brighter in the sun They were so kind and soft. I have a feeling   Zack's complaining about me but I don't blame him.
All I could think about was my envy for Zack, he has a good relationship with his sister and from the looks of it, his friends too. I want friends like that, The kind that would die with you. The only time people are friends with me is when they need something. Zack turned and proceeded to walk back, I quickly looked down at my lap, not wanting to seem like a creep.  

"Look Princess I get it, I'm hotter them hell, it's okay to stare," Zack said giving me a mischievous grin. " if only your personality was nice as your face," I said mockingly. "Oh so you think my face is nice" is he deaf, "do you only hear what you want to? I bet your parents have a blast with that" his humorous expression fell, Maybe I shouldn't have said that.

"Oh you're right, I'm the Thorn in their side but no one is perfect, especially not you sweetheart" he retorted Coldly and turned on the Radio, well so much for talking, Great going Emma. At least it's not so quiet, The Beatles started playing, I wouldn't say I'm a super fan but I do like a few of their songs, this one which is can't buy me love it has a very nice beat it's bouncy and it's one of my favorites.  quietly I hummed to it until I started to hear a different voice one that was not in the song, Zack was singing along. I slightly smiled to myself,  well at least you have good taste in music that makes up for about 2% of your personality.

We've been driving for a few minutes, I started looking out the window, "This isn't the way to the house" I enlightened "that's cause we're not going there" he declared, "well then where are we going at 9 in the morning on a Sunday" I watched his hands tighten on the wheel, "I just have to visit someone"  we started to drive into the woods around the town "your not going to murder me right?" I asked sarcastically he made a small glance at me, " if I wanted you dead, you'd already be gone" he said calmly, "your joking right? I seriously can't tell" he stayed silent, great I'm alone with a killer.

Finally, the car was beginning to come to a stop.
It was dark, because of the large trees that surrounded us. I hope no one else is around this probably wouldn't look too good for my image. He started to get out of the car, "Zack where are you going?" he continued to walk deeper into the forest, not wanting to be here alone I followed closely behind him, "would you slow down, please remember I'm in heels" I said tripping over roots and rocks.
Obviously, he was ignoring me, continuing to walk at a quick pace, The further we went in the darker it got. But then I started to see a light up ahead and heard the sound of rushing water getting louder. finally, I saw a huge rocky waterfall emerging from the trees, it flowed into a beautiful lake, That glistened in the sun. How had I not known about this place, I stood in awe as Zack wandered over to a large rock. It had something carved on it, I peered closer, I felt saddened to see it was a grave, feeling bad even though I didn't know who it was, I understood loss all too well. I looked around in search of one thing,

Bingo! Luckily this Area seemed to flourish its full of life with Beautiful plants, I gathered up some wildflowers. arranging them in my hands to
try and make a bouquet, I used a hair tie from my wrist to hold them together.

they were so vibrant, this place comes across as almost magical

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they were so vibrant, this place comes across as almost magical. I walked over to Zack, he was just silently sitting there, carefully I laid the flowers on the grave and took a seat next to him. Close enough now I could read it. In memory of Zara, you will never be forgotten, it wasn't your most traditional headstone. but it was made with love, you could tell. I couldn't help but wonder who she was.

"Zara was my sister" sweet baby Jesus is he a mind reader now. I didn't know he had another sister" what happened to her?" Curiosity getting the better of me. He began to laugh, " wow no I'm sorry for your loss"
"Well, when someone says there sorry it doesn't make it feel any better, in fact,  sometimes it feels worse I just understand that," I let out softly
He smiled and for the first time I'd seen it, it was genuine, grim but true. "Thanks" he whispered.
We sat in Silence for Who knows how long,
even though it was quiet, it was so serene. "Do you come out here often?" I asked, his emerald eyes were dark staring back at me. "more than I should"Zack admitted, "you said, that you understood loss. Who did you lose?" he spoke again. "My mother, Angelica," his eyes softened.
him and I seemed to make a connection,
The foundation which it was built on, our pain.
Just who are you deep down, Zack Whitlock.

I hope you enjoyed it.

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