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I stayed trying to listen through the door, until noticing a small crack within the window blinds. I began peering through, Rachel's checks were tearstained. Our teacher, John Cade. Stood behind her, his hands running up from her shoulders to her neck. Maybe in a comforting manner? At least it could've been, but I watched as his finger trailed down into Rachels shirt. Thats when it's hit me.
I needed to do something. Quick.

I took a deep breath, and knocked on the door I watched John jump back from her.

" excuse me Mr. Cade?"I asked polity as not to aggravate him.

"Ah Amelia, is there something you need?"
he gave me a sweet smile but I found it sickening
he seemed so nice. I glanced at Rachel furiously wiping away her tears

"Oh right yes, um I need Rachel to come office with me, I have some council work for homecoming, and she's on the party committee"

" Amelia homecoming is not for another month"
He stated slightly agitated.

"I'm well aware sir, but as you know I'm always on top of things just like my father", I tried to sound more authoritative, though, i'm not the most intimidating. But That's where daddy dearest comes in, just mentioning him generally causes a sweat.

"Of course, Rachel. You may go just remember to keep working hard on those grades. i'm sure you'll find less talking and more silence will be a great help" John voiced slowly, a threat.

Rachel tensed but quickly got up and clutched her bag, she practically tiptoed towards me, I grabbed her hand and confidently walked out of the room acting as if nothing happened.

We made our way to the student council office.

"So what do you need help on?" I was a little taken back from the softness in her voice. she must've been relieved.

"Rachel, I don't need your help. but I think you might need mine?"

"I don't know what your talking about" her voice was defensive, Rachel has always been cruel to me, but no one deserves to be harassed.
" I'm not going to force to tell me anything,"
I paused gathering words "but I'm here, just in case you need someone" I was comforting her with the words that I've always wanted to hear. sometimes I think the best kind of comfort is found in someone's presence even if it's in silence.

"I..um"  she couldn't form words after the tears began. I wrapped my arms around her, we slowly fell to the floor. Rachel's head resting on my chest, I softly brush my fingers through her hair.
We stayed like this for a while.
she deserved to let all of her tears out, In a way I understood. The darkness of being alone, it's suffocating.

"A.. Amelia" her voice was cracked and dry.


"I'm so so sorry"her arms Tightened around me
As she pleaded.

"all's forgiven " I spoke truthfully, of course I was upset with how she treated me, but I understand she's hurting and right now I can't be selfish.

"Are you kidding me?!" Rachel shot up her hands gripped my shoulders. She gaped at me, her greys eyes bloodshot, the Soft curls of hair sticking to her face. "What do you mean?" I said confused.

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