530 18 1

I Recently realized that I messed up Zack's age, because he's supposed to be 18 turning 19 and a senior. so are his friends.
Emma is 17 and also senior because she skipped a grade. soooo let's just forget about that mistake and fix it in the earlier pages later😂


"We need to talk about a few things"

I looked at each, trying to get a read on him, but his face was so emotionless.

"Talk, about what?" I asked Curiosity killing me

"What happened on the treadmill this morning?"

" I just have electrolyte deficiencies, you know like iron and such, so I run out of energy sometimes" I tried to stay calm.

Zack went silent, for a moment, like he was picking apart my words.

" that bruise on your stomach, where did it come from?" He knows, how does he know?! Think of something, please.

" it was from when Jason kicked me at school"
Which wasn't a total lie, it did contribute.

" just one more thing, why don't you eat?"

"W..what? I literally ate this morning"

" why are you getting defensive, i'm just asking a question" he was so monotone, that it freaked me out. I couldn't tell what he was feeling

" i'm not, i'm just stating the obvious" I softly replied

" it wasn't your words, but your tone"

" i'm sorry I find you irritating" I retorted,
needing to put some distance between us, thankfully we had just parked, after unclipping my seatbelt, I quickly force the lock up and practically jumped out of the car.

I walked as quickly as I could with out drawing attention to myself, well any extra. The world was still spinning, and I just couldn't shake the feeling of nausea. I thought i would feel better if I eat something, but instead it just feels like it's trying to come back up, did I eat too much?
Would it be better if I just got rid of it?

No Not again. I'm already disgusted in

I got to my locker and changed out my books as quickly as I could because everything this morning, we got here much later than I intended.
Everyone was already on the way to class.

I began walking down the hall, trying to Control myself,

my arm with grabbed abruptly and I was pulled into a small dark closet, I couldn't help letting out a small scream, A hand promptly flew over my mouth. fear had already begun to seep in.

I shut my eyes, when the bright light was flipped on.  slowly I open them, revealing it was just Zack, Which put me at ease for some reason, well at least I knew him.  How did he get here so fast?

"I'm going to take my hand off your mouth, be quiet" here said slowly so I nodded

" what is wrong with you?!" I whispered.

" our conversation wasn't finished" he simply said

"Are you kidding? I'm going to be late" I reached for the door, but Zack snatched my wrist and pinned me to the wall, god this cannot be more uncomfortable.

" seriously Zack I need to go" I heard the final bell, my father is going to kill me, maybe he won't find out. I still have like over a week left without him.  But who am I kidding father knows everything

"Not till I'm satisfied with your answers" Zack got closer, his arms rested on either side of me, I could feel his minted breath on my face.

" I already told you"

" and for some reason I don't believe you"  Zack paused and closed his eyes for a second,
" you smell nice, like honey and wildflowers"

usually I would think that's a little creepy but coming from him, It was different. It made me only want to use this perfume. but it shouldn't have.

"Zack please, I.. I I need to get to class"

" speaking of class, what the fuck happened with that teacher?"

I looked up at him, God I couldn't get enough of his eyes, so beautiful. even when they were filled with hate.

" i'm sure sean filled you in"

"We came back that night, I was gonna teach him a lesson. but he was gone" 

"how did you get in?"

Zack dug in his pocket, and pulled out my small bracelet, he shook in front of me.

"With this"

"So you took that, give it back this Instant"

" not until you explain"

"Zack I don't know what happened to him"

Zack was silent, looking over my face.
Like he was investigating me.

" alright, what are these other keys for?"

"W..what, why do you need to know that"

"just curious" he shrugged

"well the school and the manor obviously, my journal and the other ones were my moms I don't know what it goes to"

they were in a small box on my bed the day she died, like she knew something was gonna happen.

he was just staring at me,

" are we done here?"

his hand went softly to my neck and it's slowly made its way to my chin.

"Your so Little" he chuckled

" I beg your pardon"

" i'd love to see you beg"

" are you okay?"

The next bell rung, no why we've been in here for 40 minutes. this cannot be happening I've never missed a class in my life.

thankfully Zack released me and left.
I bolted to my next class.

The rest of the day went on same as usual, no Zack insight. he must've skipped the rest of the day. I stayed a little later to help other teachers.
it didn't take too long though.

on my way out of the Baron school, I was grabbed and harshly push against the wall, you cannot be serious, again?!

except, it wasn't Zack this time.
not here, or anywhere. I was no longer safe.

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