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School had finished up about an hour ago, but here I am, still waiting around. Zack had told me that miss sunshine seemed a little weird, well more than usual, anyway apparently, she would need a ride because he had to get to the house before Zoe. Why does he care if she gets back safe or not, I have no idea. At least not from the way he talks, Their relationship is so screwed up.

"What is taking her soooo long! Great now I'm talking to myself"

After about 5 more minutes. I decided I was too hungry to wait around, okay time to go check up on Emma. For all, I know she probably fell asleep.
I walked through the empty halls, Man this place is boring when there's no one here. I tried To peek inside The council office, but the lights were off and the door locked. Great going sean you lost her And Zack's going to beat your ass.

Where the hell do I even start? Do I just walk aimlessly? Yup. After walking further down the hall.
I saw One classroom with its light still on "Your just a spoiled little bitch" I heard a man's voice, sounds like an argument.

"Maybe I am, but what are you going to do about it?" A soft voice filled with sarcasm? that's definitely Emma.

"Aw daddy gave you Way too much entitlement, maybe I should do my job and teach you a lesson," that does not sound good.

I pushed the door opened,  and there she was. Emma's usual soft expression now was colored by fear, a look I had never seen on her. Not even when zack would mess with her. I don't know why but it made me so fucking mad. And everything happened so fast, before I knew it my fist came in contact with John Cades, face. He trip from impact and His head slammed into the brick wall. John unconscious body sprawled out on the floor.

"Oh come on, it was just a little love tap" I joked turning to face Emma, and let me tell you she did not seem amused by my quip. Emma was definitely Still a bit shaking up.

"Is he going to be okay?" Emma's small hand delicately wrapped around my arm, she was obviously looking for some kind of comfort as worry flashed through her eyes.

I lightly rubbed my thumb across her soft cheek. But she flinched away.
"Hey It's okay now, let's just get out of here sunshine"
Emma's eye fell to John. I was honestly stunned that she cared about this Douche bags life.
I know I don't know the whole story. But any man that would raise his hand at a women was a douche in my book and yes that does include Zack which I tell him on the daily.

"Emma don't worry about him, I'm sure Mr. Cade here will be okay" Was I lying? Yes, once I told Zack what I saw, this guy would be dead meat.

"Your right, we should go" Emma carefully laced her Fingers around mine, as if I would break.
She walked us through empty halls making sure all lights were off. That's when I noticed it.

"Emma, is that a camera?" I tugged her back.
And She looked up at it, Unphased.

"oh yes, but it's nothing to worry about, I disabled all cameras in the hall. They'll Turn back on around 11 pm" she spoke like it was nothing
And continued walking.

Now driving back to the house. Every now and then I'd look over at her. The sun was now setting, Which decorated the sky with warm colors and it  reflected beautifully on her. It was in this moment I realized just how small she was, her long hair formed a gold blanket over her body, Emma sat quietly fiddling with her nails.
Everything about her seemed so unworldly, like her appearance, but especially her mannerism. what made her like this?

Emma pov

Hungry that was the only thing on my mind. After everything that had gone on today, food is the only thing that kepts seeping back in. and the guilt of wanted it, was making me sick.
I knew if I ate now I wouldn't be able to stop, like some kind of staved animal. A distraction is needed

" sean, How did you know to come?" what? Curiosity was getting the better of me. And I couldn't take the silence anymore.

" Zack had mentioned you might need a ride earlier, but besides that? Right time, right place,I guess" I nodded content with the answer
But surprised at the softness of Sean's voice. he was like the opposite of Zack, kind and gentle.

Finally I saw Zack's house. Appearing in the distance. Thank God this ride is almost over. Luckily for me our town is tiny

"Hey Emma" His voice was so soft, i wonder if his hair is too. Oh god I did not just think that.
Quick answer him.

" yes?"

"Are you okay?"

With that Everything stopped, Who knew Just three simple words could cause me such anguish. but what could I even say?'
Not At all? my whole world is a lie, I'm so exhausted, both Mentally and physically. I can't do it anymore, I'm scared if I let someone in they'll just hurt me like he did? no absolutely not!

Sean parked the car, and turned to me. I brightly smiled up at him, his eyes where such a deep blue, it made me feel safe, they seemed familiar. I'm not sure why. "Of course, Maybe a little tired from the events today. But I'm delightful.  Are you doing alright?"

"Yeah, I'm good. Uh let's get inside" he quickly stumbled out of the car, so I followed. Although I did not look like a baby giraffe taking its first steps, like Sean here.

Zack was leaning against the counter. When we got inside. So I sat down on one of the barstools. And looked around, Well this is awkward. The two guy stood quietly, but before I could break the silence.

"Took you a while to get here" Zack spoke plainly, but my eyes trailed down. He was wearing black sweat pants and a loose tank top, that kind with The really long armholes. You could The side of his torso, he had some intricate tattoos painting his skin. 

Finally, my eyes went back to his, " I told you I had some work to get done"

" all right, and by the way if you want me to take off my shirt? Just ask next time" he said winking.

"I'm good for now but can I take a rain check" I said sarcastically

"If you two are done, with whatever that was. I need to have a word with you Zack, now." Sean seemed irritated, As he stomped off. But Zack just rolled his eyes and followed him. I stayed put not really knowing what to do.

it must've been like 15 minutes by now, I had heard some muffled yelling. But Finally I saw them

"We'll back later" Sean said walked back in to grab his keys.

"Where are you guys going?"

"Out" Zack answered, he seem tense. so I decided against prying at least this time, don't get used to it.

hey guys I hope you enjoyed this page!❤️

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