Somethings off. 3

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When I saw the unknown man next to my father.
I took my time looking at him, He was fairly attractive for an older guy, probably late-30s maybe mid-40s, with deep brown hair and hazel eyes. He seemed familiar.

"Kole, you remember Amelia" once my father introduces his name. it hit me, Kole Wilson, my dad's business partner, I knew I recognized him. I've seen him many times at balls and galas. I've just never spoken to him

"Oh yes, of course, She's as beautiful as her mother," Kole said, something about him gave me an eerie feeling

my father spoke up " Amelia you will be staying with Koles family, while He and I are on the trip, I'll talk to you more about it later, but for now, why don't you head up to your room" he asked like it was an option, but I get the hint, you can hear it in his tone this was no Choice.  

I walked back to my room and finally got in the bath. I sat for around 30 minutes
The hot water relaxed my tense muscles.

I made my way back down the stairs to speak with my father, he wasn't out in the lounge room so I went to his office, I knocked on his door, the faint smell of blood hit my nose as I entered the dim room, "hello father, you mentioned filling me in earlier " I spoke calmly.

"Ah yes I did, I simply think you shouldn't stay here, it's not proper for a young lady to be without a supervisor for weeks at a time" my father explained, But it wasn't adding up.
"But father that makes no sense, I've stayed many ti.." I was cut off when he roughly grabbed my face, "enough Amelia I said you're not staying here" he said coldly as he
Harshly shoved me into the Already Cracked glass coffee table, which shattered on impact, I knew a few shards went in my fragile flesh, I could feel the cold blood start to drip from the cuts. "Oh, and would you please clean this honey" my father spoke with amusement in his eyes. With that, this conversation was done, there was nothing left to say.

He walked off, probably heading to the dining room. Once he was gone, Violet came running in "oh miss please let me clean this" she said while helping me get up, it hurt not so much physically but emotionally at my father's distaste for me. "I'm fine violet I can take of it" I spoke softly but she gently pushed me away from the mess Of broken glass. so I decided to listen and headed upstairs.
I entered my bathroom to get all the glass shards out of my skin. Once I'm done, I clean the cuts and scrapes but don't bother to bandage them. I'm so tired, too tired to care about anything I laid down and let darkness embrace me.

hello everyone! sorry for such a short chapter, nevertheless I hope you enjoyed😁
I did change the cover and the name of this book. To something, I figured more fitting.

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