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Ethan glared, I don't know why he didn't like me. I can't think of anything I've ever done him.

"Zack you seem to have gotten awfully attached to your pet" collie yanked Ethan's braids

"Stop being mean"

"he is the one who hated her so much" he looked over at Zack. "what's changed? Did you finally fuck her?"

"I haven't done anything, who said I wanted to fuck her?" The way they talked about me like I wasn't even here. Left an awful pit in my stomach

Zach must've felt the change in my mood, he started rubbing his hand on my shoulder and neck, I hated to admit it, but it felt nice, relaxing.

"Guys she's right there, chill" Sean spoke up, looking at me with pity filled eyes.

"It's okay, I know not all of you like me very much" I smiled at sean

Zacks eyes flick between me Sean. His grip tightening on my shoulder.

" You guys are such bitches, I love Emma" collie said.

Collie and Ethan were cute they acted like a married couple. I couldn't tell if Ethan hated or loved when Collie messed with his braids.
He looks like a sad puppy

But I've seen it before he worships her. His eyes never leave her side. I keep help but wonder if she feels the same, the two of them are awfully close. But they always seem to be arguing. That's kind of like me and Zack, except for there's never any love in his eyes.

"Anyways Emma baby, you and Rachel should totally come over for a sleepover"

"I'm in" Rachel smiled.

" hard pass"

"I don't remember inviting you, Zack" collie spoke up

" I'm babysitting the princess right now, so my answers no, my dad would kill me if something happened to her"

" Zack it's just a sleepover. She's probably safer with me anyway"

"Do I not get a say?"

"Aww of course you do hun" Rachel reached her hand to me"

until Zack smacked it away

"No you dont"

" Zack stop being a bitch" collie flipped him off

"Okay how about, Zoe stays at my place with my little siblings, and we all have a big sleepover tonight at Zack's?" Sean said flashing that perfect smile,

" not a bad idea we can all sleep in the theater and drink"

"guys, we have school tomorrow?" I tried to reason with them

"Okay and? we're always late"

"But I can't be late"

"don't worry your majesty I'll make sure you're perfect attendance stays safe" Zac ruffled up my hair

"Oh wow my night in shining armor"

"I don't know the knight in shining armor is kinda filled by Sean"

" he does have a point you don't get more chivalrous than me" he winked

"Oo what would I be?" collie raised her hand.

"And all honesty I feel like you'd be an enchantress or a witch"

"Aww Emma you're so cute!"

"Ethan would be a mage, Rachel would be a pirate and Zach and Sean would definitely be knights"

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