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Zack steadied me on the skates, helping me walk on the carpet floor over to the rink.

His hands were so big and warm, every part of me, wanted them all over my body, but both my insecurities and conscience could never let that happen, the memories from my drunken mind, everything I said, I wanted it so bad, his lips on mine. Why I don't know he's such an awful person is what I always thought, but how he is with his friends and his sister, I wanted to be in his inner circle. I know I'm just a pet project. and that's all I'll ever be.

my skates hit the ice, chilling me to my bones but all I could focus on was where his hands were, the small of my back far too close to my stomach.

"Atta girl you're getting it"

"Why are you talking to me like I'm a dog"

"If I was talking to you like you were a dog, I would've said that's my good girl"

I felt a blush keep up my cheeks

"Shut up"

"Do you wanna make me?" A smirk played on his face.

"just teach me how to skate" I rolled my eyes

"Of course, Your Majesty, lead the way" he gestured with his hands

After a chilly two hours, lots of falling and some scratched-up hands. I finally got the hang of it.
We left the skating rank, Zack decided it was time for lunch. I'm sure I burnt off a good amount of calories with the skating but I'm not ready to lose all of my progress. I have a ballet recital in a month, I need to look my best.

But of course, we pulled into Lola's diner.
As soon as we walked in, we were greeted by a smile, Zoe ran to hug Lola.

They were so cute! Like a family, I couldn't help but want that. That warmth, the kind that feels like fresh cookies out oven the oven.

"So hunny your usual?" Lola took Zack's order
"You know it gorgeous" and "For my sweet apricot, a strawberry milkshake, and some chicken tenders"  "Yes please" Zoe's eyes lit up at the thought. "What will you have dear?" Lola brought her attention to me.

"Oh, I'm not ha.."  Zack cut me off

"She'll have the summer Poppy seed salad and a Hot lemon tea"

"Alrighty, I'll have everything out shortly"
Lola turned on her heels and headed back to the kitchen

I started blankly at Zack not knowing what to say.

he leaned over his hot breath on my ear, "I picked something more in your comfort zone, we've been active all morning you need to eat"

"Do you just know all the food here by heart?"

"No, that's just what Zara always ordered, she always stayed clear of things she deemed unhealthy" I'm not too sure what happened besides her passing away, but it always brought such sad expressions on Zack, I'm honestly surprised he even said her order.

A pretty redhead waitress, wearing a pink and blue dress came over to us, she looked early 20s, soft, freckles covered her nose,

"Here's your food sugar" She handed Zack his plate first, then mine and Zoe's.

The salad looked amazing, it was colorful with fruits and vegetables definitely not boring.
Even though I wished I could eat the food that Zack and Zoe did, I don't remember the last time I had chicken tenders.

"Thanks, Daisy" Zack smiled, did he just know everybody in town?

They both dug in, while I stayed trying not to break down. It's gotten worse I can tell. It didn't used to be this bad. I used to be able to eat a salad without using my tears as the dressing.

I managed about half of it but in my defense, it was a pretty big salad, but Zack seemed pleased with what I ate, at least I wouldn't have him pestering me for a little bit. We dropped Zoe off at her friend's house. And headed to the mall to meet up with Zack's friends.

I followed Zack around as he looked for the others, we all met up in a Boba place, it was really cute. It was like a Boba café and a library. I should come here more often., even if I don't like drinking Boba because of the amount of calories, it has, but it used to be one of my favorites, so nice for nostalgia. Rachel pulled me down to sit on the couch next to her and collie. Sean had a big smile on his face. Zack left to go get himself a Boba. So much has changed since the group was all together. I was friends with Rachel and Collie, well kinda. Ethan stayed glaring. So that's pretty same old.

Zack came back with two Boba. "I don't know what flavor you'd like, But it's called Taro it's really good". Although I didn't want to drink it... I grabbed the cup and took a sip. He was right it's really good. We are just chilled in this little lounge area in the café surrounded by Books. It was private. cozy.

Collie got up and sat on the arm of Ethan's chair, to play with his braids. "Ohhh eth, how long are you gonna sit there looking like a pouting puppy?"

"As long as she's here" his eyes flicked over to me

Collie slapped his arm. "She's my friend Ethan, play nice"

Zach took Collie's spot and sat next to me. "Hey douche bag I was gonna sit there, again"

" well that sucks for you"
He leaned back and put his arm around me. I couldn't help but tense up from the confusion.

Unedited I hope you guys like this page😊

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