Another perspective. 4

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Zack's POV

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Zack's POV

"Zara, Can I come in?" I Quietly knocked through my tear blurred sight,  the door quickly opened up. There she was, her beautiful dark curly red hair and sparkly hazel eyes, Zara my loving older sister. "What's wrong Mio Angelo?" (My Angel) I ran up and clung to her "mom and dad are fighting again, it's all my fault I broke the vase, I didn't mean too" I said frantically sobbing as she held me so close I could hear her heart, who knew that'd be the last time I'd hear it beat 8 miserable years ago.

"Zack..zack!" I woke up to the sound of a small voice calling my name, I slowly open my eyes slightly shielding them from the sun with my arm, slowly my vision adjusted, and I saw her shoulder-length Auburn hair, soft Emerald eyes my little sister. "Zoe what have I said about waking me up before my alarm," I said groaning, "but, You were talking about Zara in your sleep, you're even crying" she explained grabbing my face with her small hands.  I quickly sat up wiping my face from the shameful tears that had fallen, I smiled over at Zoe " la Mia principessa
(my Princess) don't worry about me" I hugged her gently but she still seemed so sad, there's one thing that always works, I stood up on the bed and she instantly got the hint, we jumped on my bed for knows how long. Finally, around seven am, I figured it'd probably be a good time for breakfast, I told Zoe to go wait in the kitchen while I got dressed. I threw on some dark jeans, a green shirt, and my light brown leather jacket.

Once I made it downstairs I saw Zoe sitting on the counter, my mom and dad must have already left for work, not like I see them when they're here anyway,  "okay Zoe, so what do you want for breakfast?" she's smile and shouted out "I want waffles!" I lazily looked at her "it's always waffle with you, where's the challenge" she looked dead in the eye and said, "make it a bunny waffle with a marshmallow tail!" I sighed "yes your highness" she can be so annoying,  she is only 6, and I'm l8.
Zoe's my world.

I got to school around 7:45 which is early seeing as the class doesn't start till 8:20. I dropped Zoe off at her kindergarten on the way here, I was hanging around my locker with Sean and Ethan my best buddies. Sean's the golden boy type well he would be if he didn't cause trouble with me that is, he's a good guy same with Ethan I don't know why they waste their time on me. Ethans a genius he's a little quiet but a lot of fun. We were just talking about random stuff, then I saw her.  Amelia light,  long wavy blonde hair and icy blue eyes,  I'm not quite sure about her body type seeing as she's covered up most of the time but she's petite from what I can see.

She's pretty and all, but she's so damn spoiled, her Family practically owns this town, I'm not saying that I don't come from a wealthy family. but nothing like her. She's treated like royalty here, I wonder what it's like to have such a great life. Her family seems to always be there for her, where I can barely get through a conversation with mine. I don't know if it's true but apparently, she has this rich ass boyfriend who's her soulmate. when I was younger I used to always wish for someone like that, but wishes don't come true, there's no point holding onto them.

Jason walked up to the guys and I, "hey Zack" he said, God if there's one thing I hate more than Emma, it's people who use others. Now I know what you're thinking, well yeah I sleep around a lot and maybe break a few hearts, but I let every girl know that with me it's just sex nothing else. Anyways back to the topic at hand, Jason is just a lair and a suckup who wants to be on my good side because he knows I could kick his ass. " What do you want," I said hatefully, "no need to be aggressive, I just wanted to see what you're up to," he said waving his hands in surrender I glared at him and walked off towards Emma. Sean and Ethan by my side, oh would you look at that Jason followed, would it kill him to take a hint.

As soon as we got to Emma, she turned to face me. "Hello, Zack do you need something? my student council work is never done with you here" she spoke in a sweet but Sarcastic voice and smiled at me,
I put my hand on the locker closest to her head "what? I just love to see you in the morning"
I said in a low voice, " what's this I hear about you having a boyfriend?" I added, it was clear she didn't hear me. She looked deep in thought her eyebrows knitted together and her head slightly tilting. It was kind of cute, too bad she was such a bitch,
a loud bang echoed through the halls, as I hit the locker near her, not close enough to hurt her just to knock her out of her thoughts. She stared up at me so I gave her a cute smile, and looked at her with curiosity.
"I...I um well"  she stammered off words trying to answer the unknown question "it's ok I know you didn't hear me" I leaned close to her small ear and whispered  "really like to push my limits don't you, next time listen when I ask you something. I will expect an answer" and she tried to get words out to explain but I cut them off with a quick slap across her delicate face,
And firmly pushed her into the locker maybe a little too hard she hit her back and fell to the ground. I was caught off guard when Jason out of nowhere kicked her harshly, wrong move buddy. I sent him a cold hard glare, he looked a little scared, this is going to be fun.

I hope you enjoyed this page, I think Fridays could be a good update day😁

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