Lola. 12

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Zack's pov

We've been sitting by the lake for about two hours maybe three, most of the time spent in silence. Collie had said Emma seemed like a genuinely nice person. but how do I know that's true, she could be a lying snake like the rest of them. so that brings me to my main question, why did I bring her here? I watched as she kept a light smile on the entire time.
I've come to notice that, no matter the situation her mouth always returns to a smile. it seemed robotic, but then again most of her actions did, like they were programmed into her then followed out as a plan.

God listen to me, sounding a little crazy there. I  don't know why but it bothered me, to see her so happy all the time. The plan has always been to break her bubble of perfection, to watch as her smile finally falls. But now I have no clue what I want anymore. What's wrong with me? It hasn't even been a day, since she arrived my house.

She was staring at Zara's resting place. But I couldn't help looking at Her, Emma's skin looked so delicate, and those eyes seemed even more blue as the water reflected in them. I can definitely understand why people are so obsessed with her, She is truly breathtaking.
But there's just something so off about her. And I can't let it go just yet.

"Is something wrong?" her gentle voice questioned. Oh shit how long have I been looking at her. "no, it's just probably time to get going" I said standing up she nodded and took one last look at the water before getting up. We walked back to my car. Everything about being near her was strange, the silence that engulfed us was stiff.
We made it to the car, got in, and drove off.

" let's go get some lunch, " I said, what I'm hungry? Her body seemed to tense, odd the thought of food makes me happy. "Didn't we just eat?" Emma asked, "that was hours ago, it's almost 12, so Now we need lunch" and once again she nods no surprise there. I continued driving, "where are we going?" she asked
"I was thinking Lola's diner" her eyebrows knitted together, "what" I added "I've never been to a diner, what's the atmosphere like?" curiosity laced her voice, "wait, you've never been to a diner?!" I was kinda shocked there are not too many places to eat in our town. "no I don't eat out much, unless it's for an event" she explained.
Of course, little princess probably wouldn't be caught dead in a diner, Emma cleared her throat "so what is lola's like?" or maybe she would.
"well, Lola owns the place, real shocker I know. But she's great! oh, and It's retro-themed and the waitresses are wearing roller skates besides Lola" Emma smiled it was somehow prettier then usual, "what?" I asked " nothing it just seems special"  She stated "Zara used to work there," I said
"I see, then it must be wonderful".

Our conversation seemed to end at the perfect time, how ironic. I pulled into the parking lot of the colorful diner. Emma looked amazed by it, the expression she made was kinda funny, her eyes Rome the exterior like she was taking in every detail as not to forget. "Ready to go in?" I asked, she flinched slightly "yes, of course" her voice seemed hesitant.

I got out of the car, and Emma followed

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I got out of the car, and Emma followed. We walked inside, and everything just went quiet, all the people that were bustling around were now staring in our direction. I'm not unfamiliar with being looked at, you could I have a reputation, but this was different and they weren't looking at me. No, all of the looks were on Emma. She straighten her body and smiled at them. Her change in body language went unnoticed by everyone, they seemed to be stuck in awe. Grabbing her arm and slightly pulling her over to the counter.

"well it's always nice to see you gorgeous face Zack" I heard a familiar voice Emma's head flicked in her direction "hey Lola, happy almost birthday, how old are you turning, 30?" She lightly hit my arm, "you know I'm much older then th-" Lola went quiet once she met Emma's eyes. Seriously you too?! what the hell is going. The others at school don't act like this, or maybe they do and I just never noticed, "hello I'm Emma, it's lovely to meet you" Lola gave her a small smile,  " nice to meet you too dear, what can I get for the two of you Darlins?" 

"I'll take my usually, Emma?" She tensed up again, panic flashed in her eyes but it went away as quick as it came, you wouldn't have even seen it if you weren't looking, "I'll just take a water please" she smiled, "of course, I'll get that right up for you two" Lola said walking away "aren't you hungry?" I asked "no not necessarily"
"How? I'm  about to die of hungry " Am I dramatic maybe, " I don't usually eat breakfast in the morning, so I'm just not hungry now" Emma explained, " I can understand that, but you only had some fruit" maybe she is a robot "I'm just not hungry" her voice came over I don't know a little harsher?

"your usual, chocolate milkshake, extra spicy burger and a side of fries" I gave her a big grin "thank you" Lola smiled at Emma " and here's your water sweetpie, I put a lemon slice on the side". "Thank you, Miss lola" "no need to be so formal hun" lola added and walked away Emma just started to sip her water.
I began to dig into my food, "you two are close"
"Lola and I? Yeah she's always been there for me and my siblings" I watched as she played with her straw " where's the powder room?" Emma asked " you mean the restroom, right over there" I said pointing over to it. Emma got up and walked to it. I took a big gulp of my milkshake, man chocolate is the best. But it wasn't distracting enough, you Emma are an odd one.

I hope you enjoyed! have a great night everyone.

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