immaturity. 16

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"Why are we going to a party on Sunday?" I asked " because we have school tomorrow,  so need to do something fun before we go back to hell" Zack's voice was rather sarcastic.

"Anyway what about a crop top," Zack asked while Looking at a few shirts, "I don't think so and how is that going to keep me warm?"
I couldn't help but think about the cruel bruises that covered my stomach and back. Perfect skin doesn't exist.

Fine, what about just a sweater and some jeans?" his voice was blended with frustration, we've been looking for a little while, Zack had wanted me to pick out something and but I don't really know how to do that.
He held A pale green daisy sweater and some dark gray jeans. not my color, but it wasn't so bad "That could work" I heard him sigh with relief.
"Finally! Now what size shoe are you?" he asked walking around, " I think my shoes are just fine" I really wanted to keep my heels on, they made me more at ease, and the last thing I need is Zack looking down on me more than he already does. Zack gave me a questioning look,

" you can keep wearing your heels, but I'm not carrying you if you break something," he said sternly, " I think I can manage" I confessed playfully.  we walked over to the checkout and Zack began to pull out his card, " I can get it" he didn't have to buy me anything. As usual, he ignored me, his eyes scanned the counter before grabbing two Twix bars and placing them with the Clothing. The cashier began scanning the items, he looked drained.

Once everything was paid for, Zack began walking away, I twisted around to catch up to him. "Slow down please" he came to a stop and turned to face me, finally not ignoring me.
" that's what she said," Zack said jokingly 
" how old are you, 12?" I shuttered in disgust
he smirked And continue to walk through the mall.
finally  we came back to the entrance, only defined it was pitch black out, and Zach was right it was pretty cold.
I was actually happy that he was here. It's not so much the dark that scares me but being alone in it, that's a story for a different time though. I made my way closer to him, what? Don't judge me. I felt safer that way.

Once we arrived and got into the car, " you took so damn Long, we don't have that much time left, so you're getting changed in here" Zach said tossing the bag of clothes at me. " beg your pardon"  he glared at me " could you stop being such a priss for like five minutes" I couldn't help fiddling with my fingers  " I can't change in here" I defended "Why not you're small there's enough space"
"I'm not that small" I said defensively " please you and Zoe are almost the same size, anyways hurry up" I could feel his eyes on me as I stare done at my lap.

"Get in the back" Zack said like it was an order. Reluctantly I listened, not wanting to cause another argument. I really don't like conflict I just always seem to be in the middle of it, I got in the back seat and Zack began taking off his jacket. watching him tie One sleeve to each chair he made a small curtain with it.

"There Now you have privacy" he said sounding proud. I couldn't help but lightly laugh " thank you" Zack turned on on the Radio so it wasn't so uncomfortably quiet. cautiously beginning to take off my clothing, I could faintly zack humming along. finally putting on the new clothes, they seem to fit okay. A little big but not too bad, besides baggy's in style right?

 A little big but not too bad, besides baggy's in style right?

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The outfit^

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The outfit^

I suppose Zack has a decent taste, "are you almost done?" His voice seemed relaxed, " yeah"
I said taking down the jacket, I got back into the front, it was kinda fun climbing over. And I never really ride in the front seat so that's different, after getting comfy, I noticed zack looking at me, he leaned over, we made eye contact and i almost thought he was going to kiss me. He leaned closer but instead of his lips meeting mine,  he grab the seatbelt up and fastened me in. 

I watch as he sat back in his seat, and put the car in drive.

Hey guys I'm so sorry that this chapter is so short, I'm super sick. I don't even know how I just woke up feeling like absolute garbage.
I hope you guys have a great day and I'm sorry for all the grammar mistakes I didn't have the energy to edit it.

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