Back to square one. 19

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7 am, school starts at 9 on Mondays. I can't believe it's only been two days since I moved in, I don't know if I can handle another 12 days of Zack's mood swings. He hated me since we were kids, it's always been that way, but now he's nice one minute and then rude the next. Like honestly is he on his period or something.  He's almost worse than my father, at least he just constantly hates me.  And Zack getting all touchy with Rachel, sickening.

Okay, I'm dressed, hair and makeup is done. Got my bag time go downstairs.

Emma's outfit^

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Emma's outfit^

As I got downstairs,  The air was filled with a sweet aroma, I walked into the kitchen, where
The green-eyed devil was cooking as usual,
"Good morning Zack," I said trying to start the morning on a good note

" oh morning,"  he said while working on the food. I sat at the counter and watched there was a big plate of scrambled eggs and what looked to be French toast.  He turned off the stove and grabbed two plates of both foods.
Zack sat down next to me and pushed a plate over.
I stared down at the bright yellow eggs and toast
Trying to avoid his gaze.

" let me guess you're not hungry? We didn't even eat dinner last night" I ignored his comment " where's Zoe?" Her chair remained empty " Sean's dropping her off at school and she'll take the bus back"  I nodded while moving my food around.
" do you want my food?" Zack looked at me " do you just not like my cooking?" he said with a fake pout, "w..what! No I'm just not hungry" he took my plate and emptied it onto his. I decided to clean up while Zack finished, which was quite uncomfortable as His eyes stayed locked on me. "Would you quit your staring please"

" why it's just interesting I never expected to see you cleaning," he said shortly. "I beg your pardon, what's that supposed to mean?"
" nothing just, don't you have people for that?" This again " well yes I do, but I still like to help out. Also I'm sure your parents could afford a house keep" if he's going to assume things so am I. " you're not wrong, but I don't want some stranger in my house. I let enough slide with Zoe having a babysitter" interesting, "what does that make me then?" He went silent like he was actually trying to decide what I meant to him.

"You? just some spoiled bitch I've wanted gone since 5th grade. But we're stuck together at least for now"  there's my answer he hated me then and still does to this day, the past 48 hours can't change that.

Once everything was finished, Zack am I headed outside. I begin walking to the car. Before Zack grabbed my hand. "What?" I said confused.
"We're not taking the car today" Oh no.
"I'm not getting on that death trap," I said pointing at his stupid motorcycle.
"Yeah, come on you don't wanna ruin your attendance, won't be so perfect then will you?"
Zack grabbed his helmet and plopped it on my head, "there you go see safe and secure" he sat down on the bike waiting for me to do the same. "don't you need a helmet?"
" no I'm fine," he said with a bored tone.
I can't believe I'm actually gonna do this, I got on behind him.

"Okay, make sure you hold on tight"
I wrap my arms around him, we were so close I could feel the heat radiating off of him not only that but the muscles that tense in his body. Finally, he floored the bike, "slow down Zack!"
I screamed but I doubt he could hear me because the was wind pounding. This is terrifying and I seriously regret wearing a skirt! I clung to Zack for dear life, being this close made me feel a little safer.

After about a 7 minute drive of pure hell,
Because Satan here decided to play A game of try to knock Emma off the bike.  We finally made it to the school alive but barely.
Once we had stopped I tried to let go, but my body didn't want to listen. "Emma we're here"
I couldn't tell his mood, annoyed?  "O..okay"
"That means let go, well unless your just enjoying feeling me up" and my hand instantly drop from him. I stumbled off the bike and tossed the helmet at Zack.

I started walking but stop when Zack didn't follow, i turned back around. Only to see he had a cigarette in his mouth. "What are you doing? You can't smoke on school property" I demanded
"I can do what ever i want sweetheart, why don't you be a good girl and go inside"  I walked over to him, and quickly grabbed his cigarette, I tossed it down and stepped on it. " not on school grounds you can't"  before I knew it, his hand quickly made its way around tangling Into my hair. He pulled my face up and leaned down, "I will put up with you at the house, but here? we are the same we've always been. Nothing more" even though he whispered it still sounded hostile"

His hand fell from my hair, and went back to pulling out another cigarette, I backed up and noticed all the eyes on us. Well this is uncomfortable.

It's been about two hours, just finished up Second period, I was outside the classes door when I saw Rachel still sat in the classroom, teacher conference? In trouble? Curiosity got the
Best of me I quietly leaned up against the wall trying to hear their conversation.

Hey guys I hope you enjoyed this♥️ sorry for it being out late.

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