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"What the fuck did he do to you?"

I felt like I was suffocating.  I've managed to let everything fall apart, my father was right. I needed him.  Here I was trying to come up with a story to explain. But I've had to lie to Zack so much these past few.

" it wasn't Jackson"

He drops his head closer to mine. I could feel his breath on me. It was almost overpoweringly minty.

"It wasn't him huh?"

"N..No he wouldn't hurt me, he... he loves me" he does

" Does he treat you like shit but then call you pretty? Does he hurt you but say he didn't mean to?"

I couldn't form words

"That's not love Emma. A guy shouldn't hurt you"

But father does

" he didn't mean to, he was just mad. You don't know him like I do." he froze like he was thinking about how to respond.  I took that opportunity to keep talking

"And also. You hurt me all the time, or did just forget all the kicking and pushing me into lockers tripping me, smacking me"

For a split second, he actually looked sorry, but that went away as quickly as it came.

" I'm not your boyfriend and I never claimed to love you, I'll mess with anybody who gets on my nerves "

"Why does it even matter? What he does. Why do you care?"

"It doesn't, and I don't care what happens to you. I just hate that guy"


Why did I think he would. to begin with, god I'm so stupid.

"How do you know him?"

"Emma that douche bag is like 23, He literally went to school with Zara, you're 17 you shouldn't be with him, to begin with, a guy like that only wants one thing from you"

"That's not true"

"he fucking dated Zara, I would know what he wants."


Jackson and I were put together when I was like 5. I know we weren't technically dating the whole time but still. I mean I also know he cheats on me to this day but I don't need to hear about it.

"Yeah, he did exactly what he did to you, to her. All the abuse And the gaslighting. I should've killed him for touching her. Now he's moved on to you because you're so fucking naive"

"I am not naive!"  I wasn't trying to raise my voice but he was so I just couldn't help it. this whole thing wasn't my choice.

"Yes, you are. what the first guy who called you pretty and said he loved you? That's what you go for,  didn't your dad teach you that your boyfriend shouldn't treat you like that?"

Quite the opposite actually

"Don't talk about my boyfriend like that, and he does love me. He just had a bad day." love just hurts sometimes I learn that the hard way

" god dammit Emma I'm trying to help you"

" I don't remember ever asking you to!" My voice cracked. Sore from the events that took place.

He stared at me blanking before backing up and completely moving away from me.

I quickly stepped around him. And walked towards the stair, I could feel his eyes on my back burning hole into it.

"Emma" his voice caught me off guard. I stopped in my tracks.

"Jason wasn't the one who caused all that Bruising on your stomach was he?"

I stayed quiet.

"was it Jackson?"

I glanced over at him I was furious that he kept on pushing. But all I could manage to mutter
Was a quick "no" before heading straight up to my room.

Just 6 more days well I guess more like 5 now. I could do this.

I finally made it to my room. It felt like that staircase took forever. I flicked on the light.

And went to wash off my makeup. The water felt honestly so refreshing. I put on some moisturizer and soft pink-tinted lip oil.

My bare face only showed the newly formed marks more. I hated this so much. It's like everyone who loves me. Wants to leave me branded.

I should probably ice it. But first I need warmer clothes, I shuffle through my stuff in hope to find some kinda pants but who was I kidding? I have one pair and it's the jeans Zack bought me speaking of Zack. I glanced over at the shirt he lent me I was going to return it earlier but forgot to. I mean it was longsleeved and almost reached my knees. So it Would be warmer than anything else I have.

I stripped out of my dress and threw on his shirt. It was just a plain deep green soft long-sleeve. But it smell so good as soon as it went over my head. That same spicy, woodsy scent hit me. I found it calming. I put on some socks and made my way back down the stairs. 

Once my foot touched the last I heard voices. I walked towards the kitchen,

"Why are you in such a bad mood? I just back in Town I thought you be a little happier to see me" a rich, feminine voice spoke

"Not now amber"


"When's the last time you got laid?" She laughed

"Shut the fuck up"

"Awwwwww is somebody sexually frustr..."
Ambers voice drifted away as she made eye contact with me. Zack's eye followed hers
Great remember when I was saying their energy was intimidating? Well together it was just plain not okay.

I hope you guys liked this one🥰 thank you for all your support. I wish you guys a great day.

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