Parties. 17

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This car ride was already uncomfortable at least for me,
I can't believe I actually thought Zack Whitlock was going to kiss me, there's so many things wrong with that, probably get some sort of disease.
fortunately, I don't think Zack noticed what I had been thinking about.
when does he pay attention to anyone but himself to begin with, which is exactly the reason I would never kiss him or even think about it.
also I'm in a relationship, even if it's arranged one, cheating goes against my morals.

I peered over at Zack, he was relaxed, or maybe just tired. I did seem to stress him out.
"Don't worry, we're almost there" when it wasn't filled with hatred, his voice was so deep and soothing. Watching out the window showed we were heading towards the beach, "is the party by the bay?"

"Yeah, also you don't drink do you?" He asked
" do you mean alcohol?" I said confused " no water, of course i mean alcohol" Zack said sarcastically " i drink wine from time to time" I said

"If somebody gives you a drink, best bet is not to take it" I look at him for a minute "why shouldn't I accept? It's rude not to" instantly looking in my direction before turning his eyes back to the road, "did you seriously just say that?"

"M..Maybe" I said feeling a tad bit embarrassed,
I've never been to a high school party before. but I'm very sure it's noting like the events I'm used to, Zack pulled into a small off-road parking area.

" you know what don't answer that, I want to have a good time. so just don't do anything stupid"  me! he's the one always getting arrested " are you kidding me?" I said in disbelief " nope," Zack open the car door and blaring music came through, yeah I think I'm already done here.

I watch as Zack hopped out the car and headed down to the beach.  What am I doing here? I don't belong at some party filled with drunken teenagers, but for some reason, I wanted to follow him. I couldn't help walking down through crowd, unfortunately Zack was already gone.

I tried to find him but it proved to be useless there were too many people. why do people do this it's gross there's just a bunch of sweaty teens making out and drinking.  But just like that my prayers were answered, I saw captivating messy purple and blue hair, Collie!

And my did she look marvelous. The brightly coloured hair cascaded perfectly on her sun-kissed skin. Her plump lips were stained deep red.

Collies had curves that could pull off any outfit and top it off she was around 5'9 with long legs. She was the epitome of what would be considered goddess-like in the movies. I wanted to walk over to her but my legs wouldn't listen, this isn't school what if she wouldn't wanna talk to me. people use me all the time, what if she was just pretending to be nice, she does hang out with Zacks little bunch. 100 different scenarios flooded my mind of how this could go down.

"Well well Amelia," too late, I heard Collie's Voice over the music. She strolled closer to me "Hello Collie, good seeing you again"  I tried to say with confidence, but it's hard to use something you don't have. suddenly she threw her arms around me, wrapping us up in a big hug.

This felt odd, I don't generally let others hug me. But I didn't mind it coming from her even though it was applying some pressure to my bruises.
Collie pulled back, keeping her hands on my shoulders " i'm surprised you're here!  Don't get me wrong I'm happy that you are, this just isn't your typical hang out"  she was happy to see me?
"You're right it's not, I was kind of compelled to come by Zack"

" my God, what an asshole" collies laughter filled the air. I was surprised we could hear each other over the music. She grabbed my hand and began pulling me through the crowd. Walking us over to the fire, Where Sean and Ethan were sitting on some logs.  It was peculiar how no one would come close the fire and Zack's Friends.  I moved closer to Collie, Zack hasn't been too bad the past couple of days. But I'm not going to take my chances with his friends just because he's been tolerable, And yes Collies part of his little crew as well.  I just have more trouble with guys then I do with women. I know thats unfair and judgmental but I can't help it.  "Hey bitches" Did she just call her friends that? " hey collie," Ethan said.

"Is that? Holy shit Little miss sunshine, what are you doing here?!" Sean asked looking at me, "I came with Zack" I answered while sitting down with Collie. "Oh right, you two are living together! How's that working for you sunshine"

" why do you keep calling me that?" it looked like he was thinking about it "hmm well your blonde and always super happy. Just kinda sunny I guess" that was actually kind of sweet. "so wait your actually staying with Zack?! I thought that was joke" Collie chimed in " I told you it wasn't!" Sean announced

"Im surprised Zack hasn't killed you yet"
Ethan muttered "w..what?" I asked did he say what I think he said. "Well you know Zack can barely stand looking at you, so living in the same house is out of the question" he was right, no matter what happens Zack has and always will hate me.
I was a burden to him and I don't even know why. "Ethan! Don't be such an ass" collie scolded him. "What? I'm just honest, not my fault Zack would be happier if she was dead" if looks could killed, Ethan would be 6 feet under from the glare collie sent him. Why did Collie care so much? I'm used to this kind of tone from him, she's aware of that. although Ethan's words usually didn't bother me, but They stung more this time.

"Whatever" Ethan seemed upset that Collie was defending me, he was generally the quiet type, but every time he does opens his mouth, it's to say something rude. Zack at least has some sense of humor, Ethan's just plain unpleasant. And Sean kind of a goofball, he's never actually really been cruel to me, kind of like Collie. They usually just stayed out of it.

"I'm on Ethan's side" I heard a feminine voice intertwined with resentment. and it was approaching from behind us.

Hi everyone! ♥️ I'm so sorry for the lack of uploads, after I recovered from being sick I was so behind on stuff. I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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