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First oh my goodness, we've made it to 400 reads!! Thank you guys so much💛💖


I couldn't help but tighten up, as those words left his lips. ("Emma, make sure you eat enough")   As if they were on repeat, why does it matter? what was considered enough? The bare minimum for survival, I thought that's what I was doing. 

is he catching on? This isn't good. but at the same time,  if what I'm doing is normal, why am I hiding it?  Why am I scared he'll find out? God, there are too many questions. 

"just eat it or at least try it, they're berry pancakes, I remember when we were kids you used to love blueberries" Zack spoke up, goodness he's watching.

Just eat, as if it was that simple.

"You remembered that?" I asked shocked

"Well, it's kinda hard not to. When we were little you'd always be stuffing your face with them"

Like some kind of pig.

"I guess so," my voice was quiet I didn't know what to say

" to be honest, I think I preferred it that way"

did he mean that he liked it better when I stuff my face like some kind of animal? How peculiar, I've never been told that it was better to eat.

" Emy! these are awesome you need to try them. I can cut it up for you, Zack does that when I'm picky" Zoe popped into our Conversation, goodness she's the cutest

" thank you, sweetheart, that's a very kind offer. but I'm okay"  I brushed my hand softly on her head.  Before picking up my fork and knife,
I began cutting up my little pancakes, they must taste wonderful in syrup, I see no reason to add extra calories though.

Slowing I brought the food up to my lips and started to nibble at it. why is this harder than usual? Am I even a failure at eating?

It was so soft and airy, absolutely delicious, which made it all the more dangerous. Watching Zack and Zoe happily munch away, Made me wish I could do that. I either eat too much or not enough, there's never an in-between, no perfect balance. And that sickened me.

I continued to eat slowly, Making sure I didn't lose control, not here not in front of him.

Zack glanced at me ever so often, I finished off two of the small pancakes and most of the melon. But I had to stop before I couldn't, already feeling nauseated. So I pushed away the plate.

"I wanted you to finish your food for once, but this is good enough, at least you shouldn't pass out now" Zack's voice was always so deep and commanding with his light Italian accent.

did he make it sound like that on purpose to intimidate or is it just natural? Nonetheless, worry seemed evident in his words.

"I'm not hungry" but I always am.

" you always say that, but I'm started to think it's just some lie" angry flared lightly in his eyes

" excuse me? Why do you always say such absurd things" I needed to protect my own.

"Me? you sound like you're from the 18th Century" he retorted

"You two need to kiss and make up" Zoe popped in, with a mischievous smile

" keep it up and you're grounded" Zack snapped

"Don't be so rude, there's no reason to snap at her Zack" I scolded, Zoe, laughed.

Zack took a deep breath like he was swallowing his pride. Grabbed his keys, and walked out the front door. Was the mere thought of kissing me that awful? 

"Don't worry Emma, his only meanie sometimes" Zoe wrapped her little fingers around mine and pulled gently me behind. As she walked after Zack.

After helping Zoe into her car seat, I made sure the buckle was Secure and softly tapped her on the nose. Goodness, I love her. I wonder if she's anything like Zara?

" there we go safe as can be, sweetheart"
I saw Zack's eyes follow me through the rearview mirror. 

I got in the car and looked back at Zoe one more time, she smiled at me.

"Emma, seatbelt" Zack ordered,

A part of me didn't want to listen, but I knew better. I clasped my seatbelt and zack pulled out of the driveway. The car was quiet, and with all
distractions gone, thoughts of the weight I must have gained from breakfast, flowed back in. My father will kill me. ("Just eat") those words popped back up, Zack wanted me to eat, why?

He was trying to make you fat, he doesn't care about you, remember your just a bitch he's been trying to get rid of.

Please stop, I don't want that to be true.

I was so in thought I didn't even realize we already dropped Zoe off.

"Emma" Zack sounded deadly, his voice sent a chill down my spine.


"We need to talk about a few things"

Hey guys, I hope you liked this page. I know it's short and late😩 but I think I might look for a better update day.

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