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Safe... no i was never safe. I was in the arms of temptation. He was offering me a plate of false promises.
But where else do I have to turn to? I feel like I'm being buried alive, trapped, pounding on the coffin, just waiting for somebody to hear me.

"I don't trust you" was all I managed to get out

He pulled back from me for a minute
"I didn't expect you to, I don't know if you ever will, one day you live a different life I promise"

"Promises are the sweetest lies"

"Not mine honeybee, but I guess you'll just have to wait and see"

"I guess I will"

"Soo are you going to tell me about yourself"
He moved over to my bed and sat down pulling me with him.

"a different day"

" you know, if you got it out of your head you might have room for dreams instead of all those nightmares"

"I can't"

"And why can't you hon?"
running his fingers on my head, he spoke to me like he would speak to Zoey like I was a kid

"I don't know how to say it"

"Okay how about, I'll asked questions and you say yes or no, and if you want to add more you can?"
I nodded

"I need your words" I don't know why that was so attractive, emma come on this is a serious matter and your were just freaking out stop being stupid.

"Yes I can do that"

"Good, you have trouble with food?"

"You already know the answer"

" I do, but I want to hear it from you, its a hard thing to say so I need to know if your capable of it, the question I'm going to ask will be up front, I don't like beating around the bush"

"Ye..I maybe i don't know "
Why cant I just say I do out loud, every time I just start speaking gibberish.

He smiled

"We'll work on that"

" this marriage with Jackson, is against your will right?"


"Does your dad know you don't want to marry him"

"He does"

He paused for a second

"Your dads not a very nice person is he"
He said these would be upfront but it's like he's trying to make them less forward.

"No not at all"

"The bruising on your stomach was from him? And the one on your throat from Jackson, is that correct?"

I hesitated, saying all of this, this whole conversation will put a crack in my world.

"It is"

He pulled me in to a hug, "good job Angel.. do you want to keep going or finish tomorrow when everyone's gone?"

"Tomorrow, I'm kinda sleepy"

"I can tell, come on let's go gets something warm to drink and head to bed"
I took his hand that he was offering and we when to the kitchen.

Before I know it was the next morning, I don't know what time it is, just that I'm so comfortable and warm.

I knew this feeling I was in zacks arms, like he was trying to suffocate with his body, but I didn't mind it, I felt protected and a much as I hate it, I did sleep better he was right.

"Shhhh don't wake them" collie said, followed by Sean,
"Please wake them, or get Zack off of her"

"Aw is someone jealous"
Rachel laughed

I slowly opened my eyes at all of them staring at us, Zack still sound asleep.

"Uh good morning guys"
Zack's face was nuzzled into my neck.

I could feel my face heat up with embarrassment,
This must look weird.

Sean came over and started shaking Zack
" Get the fuck up Z"

He groaned
"What do you want, can't you see I'm sleeping"

"I want what you're currently suffocating" Sean's eyes widened realizing what he said " wait I mean, I didn't mean it like that"

sex hands tightened on me

Collie and Rachel started laughing,
even Ethan smiled.

" shut up you guys" Sean walked out of the room, leaving us all laughing, well except for me, I am more just confused.

" he's such a baby sometimes" Zack smirked.

"Oh be nice" Rachel smacked him

"should we go see if he's okay? he seemed upset"
I spoke up feeling bad

"Sure cupcake, I think it's time for breakfast anyway" Zack got up

Great breakfast

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06 ⏰

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