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Emma came into the kitchen, and my eyes lingered on her, before returning to the breakfast I was making. She was falling apart. and no one would ever know. not, unless you lived with her. She wasn't normal, and I needed to know who she was.

Her skin seemed to be getting paler. She kept her eyes down

"sit down, breakfast is ready" Emma listened, and quietly pulled out her chair. She was getting weaker, I don't even know why I care about this shit, maybe because...

Don't compare them, I remind myself, Emma could never compare.

I sat a plate down in front of her, with fruit salad, toast, and eggs. "make sure to eat it all, it's gonna be a pretty busy day"

I gave Zoe hers while she sat with her tablet watching some dog show.

As I ate mine, I couldn't help glancing over at Emma, she slowly pushed the food into her mouth. you could tell her mind was preoccupied.

she kept up her sewn-on smile, it looked so real. But I had seen her real smile, this was not it, her real smile was easily the brightest thing in this room.

"So uh what are we doing today?" Emma looked up at me.

"I'm glad you asked we're going ice skating, then to the mall to meet up with Sean, and then out to dinner"

She simply nodded in understanding as she continued to avoid eye contact

After we all finished cleaning up, I grabbed Zoe's stuff and put it in the car while Emma took care of Zoe. Once we are settled into the car, I started heading towards the ice rink. My friends and I spent so much time there going up. Sean and I used to be really into hockey... when we were kids then Zara.. I didn't get back into it until I was a freshman. but then left it during sophomore year.

I had no more motivation, no more life, I had no need to be nice, some people think I'm a dick and they'd be correct. She wasn't just my sister. She was my best friend. And she was more motherly then my mom could ever be.


My head snap back to reality,  "why are you yelling Emma?"

"you're literally going like 20 miles over the speed limit"

Oh shit she's was right I was going 40 in a  20, usually, I just cruise at 70 but not when zoes in the car. I slowed back down to the speed limit

I pulled into the parking lot and Emma, let out a small breath.

"are you okay emi" Zoe asked. Emma smiled and looked back at her.

"just happy to be alive" I couldn't help it roll my eyes at her sentence

"Someone has attitude" Zoe, snarky little voice

"Definitely" Emma laughed along

"Ha ha very funny, get of my car" I lightly shoved Emma on the shoulder.

" gladly"

I watched she carefully got out of the car, heading to the backseat to get Zoe. My sweet little sister. was getting far too attached.

I was getting far too attached. saying that felt like venom on my tongue. I told myself I wouldn't fall for the same spelled that affected everyone else. but here I was, enchanted by everything she did.

We walked into the closed down ice rink, I had a spare key from hockey. I was on the team freshman and sophomore year.

"Hey Emma, do you know how to skate?"

"Uh well i've never done it before but how much different can it be from ballet?"

"I thought you were supposed be smart, ballet is not on ice"

"Figure skating is pretty much ballet on ice"

"What size shoe are you again?"

"Like a 7"

I went behind the counter to grab a pair I figure skates for Emma

Since Zoe and I both have our own hockey skates. yes, I make my little sister wear hockey skates too.

after getting mine on, I made sure Zoe had hers tied properly.

Zoe went off skating, not a worry in the world she's been skating since she could basically walk.
I watched Emma steady herself as she got up.

"you need any help?"

"None from you" perfect timing to say that as she fell right back down on her  ass.

I stepped over to her, seeing as we weren't on the ice yet it was quite easy to walk .

I place my hand under her chin and pulled her face up, "why do you keep avoiding contact with me?"

"I..i don't know what you're talking about"

"Oh I think you do"

"maybe I'm just embarrassed"

"Of what?"

"of everything Zack maybe it's not a big deal for you but no one's ever seen me so vulnerable, no one, besides, my maids have ever seeing me without make up on, or fresh out of the shower. Drunk off my head. all of that is a big deal for me."


"the fainting ,the food, Jackson, it's none of your business"
she was right. I had nothing to do with it, but I just couldn't help myself. I needed to know everything about her.

"i've made it my business, now let me help you"
she looked at me with the most indecisive eyes, almost as if contemplating telling me her darkest secrets

"skate.. I mean, let me teach you how to skate"

"you're a bipolar dick you know that"
I fake gasped

"Princess, those words weren't very ladylike"
I reached my hand out for her to grab
cautiously, she let her little fingers intertwine mine.

I don't know what was between us. I don't think I ever will, but there were some thing, and I just couldn't let it go.

hey guys, i'm so sorry for the super slow updates
my life kind of fell apart 🤣🤣

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