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How could I think that way it makes me sound just like him, empty.

Hours passed in minutes, I didn't even realize how late it was, soon everyone began to fall asleep. I couldn't, I didn't feel safe, these people all used to hurt me. And as much I can put it behind me, it's still hard. I wonder would they be mad if I snuck off,

" how long are you going to be up for blondie?"
Was Zack's voice always that hot?

"I didn't know you were up"

"I'm half up, but you haven't even gotten comfy" stretching out his arms and folding them behind his head.

"I'm not tired"

"That's not what your eyes say, whatcha thinking about?"

"Why are you being nice to me? Letting me hang out with your friends, taking me iceskating and more"

"I guess I just realized I've been taking my angry and issues out on you, cause it was easier then dealing with it"

"Why are you angry?"

"Well you met my mom for one thing, my dads not the easiest guy to get along with, and if I'm being honest I just miss my sister"

"Zara? So You and her were close"

" she was my everything, my rock, my best friend, my biggest supporter, she was like a mom but a really good one, my parents always put to much pressure on her"

So it's true people are more open at 2 in the morning

" she was dating Jackson at the time, that abusive douchebag. you really shouldn't be with a guy like that, he drove her to the point of insanity, unrealistic expectations"

" I don't really have a choice" why did I say that? was it the alcohol?

" What do you mean? Is he threatening you?" Zacks hands tightened

" it's a business arrangement, bringing us together to merge the companies"

" but when you turn 18 they can't do that to you, you have a choice Emma"

" it's not that simple"

"what are you hiding?"

" what I'm not hiding anything"
I couldn't help but tense up I knew he knew, he knew stuff was going on. He just wanted me to say it.

" When will you stop lying?"
I crawled out of bed. I couldn't be around anymore Him anymore.

I practically ran out of the room upstairs to my bedroom. Nearly tripping on all the stairs..

My head was spinning. Was it from the running or the liquor? I guess I'd never know.

Zack had followed behind.

I began to feel panic raising in my throat

he walked in and shut the door behind him, the lock clicking

"Zack go away"

" no I'm tired of beating around the bush, What's actually going on inside that pretty head of yours" he seemed angry all of a sudden " who are you really?"

"It's none of your concern, my life is not your business"

"I told you before I'm making it my business"
He got closer, slowly, Like a predator stalking it's prey.

I was breaking I knew I couldn't keep it up for much longer, no one really ever asked what was going on in my life. I wanted to tell him I wanted to ask him for help, but my voice wouldn't let me.

" Emma don't cry" His eyes softened

Cry? I wasn't crying.

My hand went up to my face wet with tears. How long had it been since I cried?
I forgot I could

He grabbed my hand

It made me angry, I was tired of him getting involved, it's funny a few seconds ago I wanted to beg him for help but now he's trying and I want nothing to do with it.

"Why won't you just leave me alone! I don't want your pity." I cried out as I struggled out of his grip, he roughly pushed me against the wall

" Emma Knock it off, this whole, everything's fucking perfect act needs to stop before your heart does" he spoke firmly yet softly

I was pinned nowhere to go, I couldn't help but look in his Emerald green eyes, which usually had such hatred shown in them, but now looked as if the held compassion? He despises me, this is an act, it has to be. I refuse to be used by him again

am I really just a toy for people to play with?

" get off of me" the tears pouring down harder

he pulled in, he held me so tight in his arms.

" why are you doing this?" my voice breaking

" I don't know, Maybe because you don't deserve everything everyone's done to you" his arms tightened around me "Everything I've done to you"

" I took my jealousy and anger out on you. I'm sorry"

I wrap my arms around his body.

all the anger from earlier faded away. I relaxed into his arms. His smell was intoxicating.

he felt like safety

I don't know how long we stayed like this for, I know I shouldn't have let him hold me like this, but I couldn't help myself, how long had it been since someone made me feel safe besides Zack?

🥰 have a great day guys

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