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A hard knock at the door made me jump

I slid down to the floor. I couldn't  breathe

"Emma what the fuck is going on?" his rough voice came through as He hit the door one more time.

I couldn't think straight, This can't be happening Calm Emma. You need to stop freaking out

Just smile. And clean up this mess. No one can know. frantically wiping my trembling hands, and fixing up the toilet

"Answer me!" his voice got louder.

"I'm fine" I said quietly

I looked in the mirror filled with disgust, my face was puffy and eyes red. Strands hair sticking to my skin. And my makeup was a mess.

"Why were you puking your guts out then?" The tone he spoke in matched mine, Stained.

"I just didn't feel good" I turned on the sink to wash of my face.

"Emma, open this door" why is he always barking out orders?

"One minute, please"

"No, Now"

I turned off the sink. And reached out for the handle.

What are you doing? You can't let him see you like this.  I heard him take a deep breath.

"Just unlock the door, okay?" he said softly

I turned the lock and looked down closing my eyes, I didn't want to see his face, I was so embarrassed, no one ever bothered me when I would get sick. Not even when it was on purpose. I knew the maids could hear me. They were Probably to appalled to say anything.

The door creaked open, he was getting closer, I squeezed my eyes shut as much as possible.

I felt his large calloused hand on my face. He gently pulled my chin up.

"Open your eyes," his voice held so much Authority.

Did he just enjoy telling me what to do, did I like it too? Stop no this is a serious situation.

" i'm not gonna ask you again"

Slowly I opened my eyes, only to meet his piercing ones. He's so close, oh God My breath probably smell so bad.

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine, Zack"

His hands shifted down to my waist,
I sucked in, and tightened my stomach. it like my a sick reflex, anytime anyone touched me there.

"W..what are you doing" no answer

His hands tightened around me, before I knew it he had lifted me up, my hands clung to his shoulders. He sat me on the counter softly, like I was a piece of glass. I never knew he could be so delicate.

He put his hands on Either side of me. I was trapped

"Why are you lying?" He asked

"Excuse me? I'm not lying" 

Say what ever you have too. No one can know.

"Emma I know you have problems with food"

"No I don't"  I snapped

"Yes you do"  he'd voice was dry and firm.

"Your making stuff up, I don't have any problems!"  I tried to push him away from me I felt like I was suffocating

"We don't need to talk about right, it's okay"
He grabbed my hands, his grip is so strong.

"Please back up" I needed space.

"Not yet"

He dropped my hands but stayed close, to close, he stood between my legs, pressed up against the counter. After picking up a washcloth, he soaked it under water.

He brought it over to my face, and carefully patted it around, The rag felt nice, it was warm and comforting

"Why do you wear all of this stuff?" He changed the subject

"You mean my makeup?"


"I like it" which was true it made me feel safe

"Your skin is so soft,"  his voice was so captivating.

"Why are you.."

"Shh, just let me help you" he was so soft spoken

Help? You don't need help.

"I don't need help"  I stated

"Emma" he put the rag down. And lightly gripped my shoulder

"Leave" I was so tired of him making up things.

"No, I'm not done talking to you"

"Please Zack, just get out"

As soon as he move away, it was cold. His warmth had left me. I felt emptier, I had sick love for the feeling of being empty, but this was different, I didn't feel light, only heavy. I'm tired of lying to everybody.

I wanna be a normal person, but at the same time I don't. I can't let go i'm not ready. Just a few more pounds then I'll be perfect.

A shower sounds good, I just need to get cleaned up.

No idea how long I was in the shower for, but I'm like a giant prune now. So that's something,
It was around 6 o'clock now. But I was so tired, after deciding I just would skip dinner tonight. I crawled into bed, not bothering to put clothes on.
Everything just seems like too much, luckily I did my homework at school earlier.

I cuddle up, it was Really cold. I closed my eyes, and tried to fall into my exhaustion.

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