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I suck at the format of poems, this is what I made when I was like 15 and I just wanted to post it because I recently found it

Was I the only one to blame?

I don't like to look in mirrors, I know I'll just end in tears, my heart shattered like the glass when I threw my brush, I wasn't able to handle my battered appearance,, I wasn't able to hush the words that cut like shears the ones that would soon leave me in tears

I say I'll try but the truth is i don't, I say I'll be okay but I really won't,

I'll stay counting the time because I can't wait to end mine. The way how  I was skin and bone i still think that I was okay. But hey a moment on the lips is lifetime on your hips, it  Snipped away At my self-esteem,  my whole personality went down the twisted stream, I had become a skeleton and not just by my small frame, my whole being gone, but I was only one to the blame

Every day i've learned to hate myself in a brand new way. Ever since you taught me that beauty only exist where there is pain, that any weight I gain deserves only shame. Ever since i became in debt to the price that you couldn't pay. Do not talk to me about self control. you have no idea how much it takes to not eat a single day of the week.

But I was the only one to blame, for you teaching, a little girl her worth was found in numbers on scale, the way you taught me my body meant shame, the way I learned from such a young age to know my place because guys would only want me for 1 thing, so wait till marriage, or i will a disgrace, for it was my job to keep it safe, a mistake that could not be replaced not even by my so called pretty face. because I was taught it's  my fault boys couldn't keep their hands off like I was some kind of toy who played a part in their sick game

I was the only one to blame

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