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The screaming, glass breaking. It was A constant war, Hidden behind closed doors, every time My eyes fall shut I'm forced back to the same memory, A time when my parents fought relentlessly. It began a few months before my 10th birthday.
I couldn't help but think was that normal for a relationship.

Were two people in love supposed to wish the other dead, to belittle and berate them? is that why I let Jackson treat me that way?

"L..Leo!"I cried at my older brother's door. I opened it, and a skunk-like smell covered his room.
Two guys I've never seen before sat around his large couch holding something. " Millie, how many times I've told you to leave me the fuck alone" I winced at The hatred filling his voice, I look up at him. messy black hair, tall and fit. His grey eyes looked so tired.

"Leo, they're fighting again!"

" so" Was he completely unbothered by the rift in our family?

" but they're in love, they shouldn't talk like that to each other" tears threaten to fall, it hurt me to see them like that.
Leo only seems to laugh though

"Love? Do you think that exists, grown-up. you're pathetic"

"B..but" my voice strained

"Besides who do you think they're fighting about Or do you really not know?"

"what are you talking about?" Who would they be fighting about?

"Leo! That's enough" another voice intervened

"What the hell do you want?" Leo hissed

"Liam your home!" I quickly dabbed the tears from my face before running over to my other brother.

"Hello sweetheart" he scoop me up in his arms, and Leo simply scoffed

"Of course Liam to the rescue"

"Leo, why are you acting like this?"

"You know exactly why, that little bitch destroyed our family" I dug my face into liams shirt trying to hide. The sharpness of his tone felt like knives. It was like I just keep rewatching the same horrible moments, my dreams were stained by all the tears of my childhood.

"Amelia's 9, she's just a kid. What's going on has nothing to do with her" Liam was always there to save the day,  but then he wasn't. Now he too blames me, for the crack in Our family's Perfect Portrait.

Everyone always leaves, the world turns dark and the floor crumbles beneath me, this nightmare always goes the same, you would think I'd be used to it, I've descended into the abyss over thousand times.

But still, all I want is help, but no matter how hard I try, those words can never be said out loud. because at the same time I want to see just how bad things can get. Maybe I don't deserve to be saved. everything went dark.

Finally, I opened my eyes to see that the world was still dim, but I could definitely make something out

"Oh my goodness Zack! What are earth are you doing in my bed" I screamed at the sleeping guy next to me

"Keep it down will you, I don't want Zoe to wake up" his voice was foggy

"What are you doing in here, and how did I get upstairs?"

"I carried you," he said in a duh tone

"Oh well um thank you, but that doesn't explain you being in here?!" I whisper yelled

"you started freaking out in your sleep, so I just stayed" he turned his head to look at me, he looked so tired but honestly somehow ravishing, the small light coming through the window reflected off of his tan skin, his dark hair tousled around. Framing his face perfectly, he looked so at peace.

"When did you start caring?" I said quietly, his eyes shot opened

" I just didn't want you to wake up Zoe," his voice filled with irritation, as he began to get up. Somehow his presence gave me a sense of comfort which vanished as his weight left the bed

"Do y..you have to go" I whispered, shut up Emma you can't say stuff like that. I mentally shame the thought.

"Did you say something?" he stopped at the door

"Oh Just goodnight" I laid back down as he left the room silently, leaving me alone in the dark room, I turned on my phone and the blaring light blinded me. But I could just make out the time was around three in the morning.  I flipped on the flash, So I felt safer,  Going back to sleep was most likely not going to happen.

After a lot of thinking, I decided to go on a run,
The guilt of sitting around so much was getting to me. I haven't had this much downtime since I was 8.  And there was no excuse for me being so lenient there was a gym upstairs.  finally, I dragged myself out of bed and flicked on the room light.

I threw on some leggings, a sports bra, and a tank top. That's good enough for a quick run at 4 in the morning.  I avoided the mirror as it would only put me in a bad mood And it's way too early for that. I left my room using my phone for a flashlight as the hallway was still dark. And I didn't wanna wake anybody up by turning on the lights, as Zack's door was still open. Quietly I tiptoed up the stairs to the next floor, and yet again there he was, beating the life out of that poor bag, yes I know that's what it's for, but surprised it's not broken.

I glanced at Zack while walking to the treadmill, he didn't seem to notice me. After fishing my earbuds out of my pocket I connected them to my phone to play some music and finally stepped up on the machine. I used to love running it made me feel free, and now it's like a chore, a cage of an endless cycle. I ran off the anger, the emptiness in my stomach, nausea that I felt. I put everything I had into it, I loved the pain it caused, it burned my body but that's how you know it's working When you feel like you can't move anymore. And your feet go numb. That's when you can rest.

After some time went by, I felt a pair of eyes burning a hole in me.  Did he have to watch? It made me wanna shrink up and hide.  I turned up the music trying to distract myself, it had worked for a bit. Until I started to feel dizzy, please not now, I tried to slow down,  but my legs wouldn't respond, my hands began to lose their grip and I was Slipping forward.  For a split second, Everything faded black, until two large hands grabbed me by the waist before impact. He pulled me off of the treadmill as if I was weightless, Zack's arm went under my legs, and carried me over to a bench. he cradled me in his arms, everything was still spinning.  the dizzy spells have never lasted this long before. What was I doing wrong?

Hey guys I hope you enjoyed this.
Sorry for being out so late
Busy couple days❤️

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